Elizabeth was 24 years old when she became pregnant. She was unsure of what to do, but her boyfriend began to pressure her to have an abortion.
“I was really afraid and not really sure what to do about it,” she said, “and he was pretty clear that he wasn’t going to stick around for this, so — so I scheduled an appointment for my abortion, a chemical abortion.”
Elizabeth explained that when she first got the abortion pill regimen she cried for about an hour, unsure if she should take the pills or not. Ultimately, she decided to swallow the first drug of the two-drug abortion pill — mifepristone, because the doctor told her she was unable to give her a refund.
“So I kind of felt like my hands were tied,” she said. On that first day, Elizabeth didn’t experience any effects of the drug, but on the second day, when she was supposed to take the second drug, misoprostol, her body began to hurt and she felt a “stabbing pain” in her stomach. She began to experience heavy bleeding.
“I bled so heavily, in fact, that I actually got really afraid that I could die. It was probably the most intense pain I’ve ever felt,” said Elizabeth. “So finally, when I passed the whole sac, which you have to push it out — when I pushed out the whole sac, it was a transparent kind of like a yellow color, about the size of a tennis ball. And in it I actually — I could still see the baby. It was like a little, tiny little gummy bear. And so I just — I just kind of sat there and held it. Of course, I was crying.”
Then she flushed her baby down the toilet.
Elizabeth said she never heard back from the abortion business. No one from the staff had called at any point to see how she was doing or if she had any complications.
“And in the months that followed that, I, I mean, I suffered from everything from anorexia to serial, abusive relationships, PTSD, everything that, as I was going through counseling later, my counselor could point back to my abortion.”
Elizabeth is not alone in this traumatic abortion pill experience. Countess women have shared their abortion pill horror stories and recounted seeing their baby’s body.
Visit Rachel’s Vineyard or HelpAfterAbortion.org if you are suffering because of an abortion.