Live Action’s new man-on-the-street video takes a look at people who are willing to help save those in need — but that all depends on who (or what) is in need of saving: human babies… or puppies. With two petitions in hand, Live Action asked passers-by to sign a petition to save puppies, and then followed up by asking them to sign a petition to end the killing of human babies through abortion.
“Would you guys want to sign a petition to stop puppies from being killed in a shelter? […] Yeah, so if they have more than 24 dogs or 30 cats, they’ll start killing their animals and word on the street is that they have a pregnant dog so they’ll have to kill her and her puppies if she exceeds the 30 days,” the Live Action representative states.
One woman immediately stops to sign the petition to save the puppies and other animals, stopping in her tracks and turning around to sign the paper. But when asked to sign a petition to stop abortion in South Carolina, the woman says no.
Person after person refuses to sign the petition to end abortion after agreeing to sign the petition to save puppies.
Regarding the petition to end abortion, one man replied, “I’m not gonna get into all that.”
A woman replied, “I’m for the dogs. I treat my dogs like my kids.”
Another woman said she believes abortion is health care.
While protecting and caring for animals is a worthy cause, there is a heartbreaking trend in society in which people seem to care more for animals than for humans. In states and nations where abortion is legal, bills are being introduced by legislators to protect animals and bestow on them rights typically reserved for humans.
In the UK in 2021, the government declared that lobsters, crabs, octopuses, and other related species would be included in the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill, allowing them legal protection from being boiled alive.
Back in 2012, a coalition of scientists, philosophers, and animal welfare groups in the UK created a declaration of dolphin rights. Philosopher Thomas White explained, “Scientific evidence is now strong enough to support the claim that dolphins are, like humans, self-aware, intelligent beings with emotions and personalities. Accordingly, dolphins should be regarded as ‘non-human persons’ and valued as individuals.”
Meanwhile, in the UK, it is legal to kill preborn children by dismemberment in the second trimester of pregnancy. In a D&E abortion, the abortionist uses a Sopher clamp to tear off the child’s arms and legs before crushing her skull all while she is likely capable of feeling pain according to research. Preborn humans in the UK are allowed to be killed for any reason through 24 weeks — when there is a chance they can survive outside of the womb — and up to 40 weeks if the child receives a prenatal diagnosis.
In 2022, a California legislator introduced a bill of rights for cats and dogs that would give them the same legal rights and protections as people, including freedom from neglect and abuse. At the same time, California is one of the most pro-abortion states in the U.S. and Governor Gavin Newsom is working overtime to make the state an abortion destination.
Preborn children are living, growing human beings who deserve protection but are ignored by the same people who rightly seek protections for animals.
According to the Endowment for Human Development, just 21 days after fertilization, a preborn human’s heart is beating. By seven and a half weeks, she can reflexively turn away in response to a light touch on her face. Brain waves are measured and recorded by eight and a half weeks. By nine and a half weeks, the heart is nearly fully formed but has already been functioning and pumping blood. By 10 weeks, the baby can show signs of right- or left-handedness and it is estimated that she now has about 90% of the 4,500 body parts found in adults. By 11 weeks, her palms and the soles of her feet are sensitive to light touch. By 15 weeks, the majority of her body responds to light touch, and by 18 weeks, she will release stress hormones when poked with a needle. At 21 weeks, babies have survived preterm birth.
Yet, as the video shows, people are more willing to stand up to save animals — even preborn puppies! — while refusing to even sign a petition to save preborn babies from violent deaths.