Guys and girls slid down a sky-high water slide. Dolphins leaped gracefully into the air before splashing back into the water. They say Disney World is the happiest place on Earth, but I quickly reasoned that Sea World couldn’t be too far behind. I was there on vacation with my parents, brother, and 2 little sisters. Fantastic memories were being created.
As we adventured through the amusement park, a thought crossed my mind. It’s a thought that creeps into my head from time to time: these memories would be quite different if my sisters’ parents had chosen differently. Their biological parents that is. My sisters are adopted. Each sister has a completely different set of parents. It’s with infinite gratitude that I say the biological parents made the right choice. Not the right choice “for them”, but the right choice period. Life.
A recurring theme amongst pro-abortionists is that pro-lifers only care about people when they’re inside the womb. Well, my parents must have missed that memo. For about 5 years, our family provided foster care. Children were given shelter, food, clothing, and love. No child was turned away. Not the baby boy who experienced withdrawal symptoms, nor the 16-month-old who hit my mom in the face because he himself had been abused before reaching us.
Sometimes, you get attached to a child, and that child doesn’t end up staying with you. Fortunately for us, the pain was worth it. We gained two additions to the family. I can’t imagine life without them. I’ve witnessed first-hand the beauty and reward of two abortion alternatives: foster care and adoption.
Why do you say that we don’t care? Critiquing government programs doesn’t equate to indifference. If throwing money at a problem was all it took to fix it, then this country would be entirely different. Government programs do have a place, but they benefit those that are already born. As a friend of mine said, “You have to start at the beginning before you can focus on the end.” At some point, recipients of government programs had life chosen for them. They weren’t ripped to pieces to have their body parts auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Of course we care once they’re born. However, it’s the preborn who are the most vulnerable. They’re the defenseless, the forgotten ones. It’s their innocent blood that cries out for justice as society turns a deaf ear. I think a friend of mine said it best. Regarding her pro-life stance, she explained, “It brings true meaning to the phrase ‘love at first sight’, before there is even sight to behold.”