Guest Column

Those of us who conceive in rape will not be bullied into silence

pregnancy center

Editor’s Note: Live Action works to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Live Action has looked into key elements of Ms. Christie’s testimony and personal story and has found them to be credible.

I am a mother from rape.
I love my child.

This doesn’t suit your agenda if you align with Planned Parenthood. You seek to discredit women like me with a flippant, “Well, good for you, you made your CHOICE.”
The humanity of my son was an immutable fact from conception.
No choice involved.

I am a mother from rape.
I love my child.

More than half of you who identify as pro-life are uncomfortable with this, yet perfectly comfortable making exceptions. Perfectly comfortable saying that children like my boy simply must be sacrificed for the greater good. Perfectly comfortable saying I need to get on board or I’m being unreasonable.

I am an unreasonable mother from rape.
I love my child.

I am far from alone.

75-85% of us who conceive in rape choose against abortion. This is not a default position. This is an active decision, often in the face of great medical and social pressure to do the opposite.

Our children are what bring us hope and joy.
We come to life again in their laughter.

READ: Rape survivor who gave birth: “I feel the same love any mother does”

Too often I hear the manipulative word play. “Are you going to look a brutalized woman in the eye and tell her she’s being forced to carry a RAPIST’S CHILD?!”


I am going to look into the face of a broken and vulnerable woman who no longer recognizes her world and assure her that she has a reason to KEEP GOING. That she is no longer alone. That her baby needs her and needs her well. HER baby. HERS.

Can we drop the strawman arguments for good? Rape victim mothers are SICK of being your trump card. Our children are not “products”. They’re pleasures.

Not burdens – but blessings.

The more you lie and trot out the “But rape…” argument (that is not yours to use), the louder we will love. The bolder we will live.

We will not be cowed,
into silence.

I am a mother from rape.
And I love my child.


Editor’s Note: Visit Jennifer Christie’s website here.

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