Everyone’s favorite late-term abortion crusader has popped up again. Wendy Davis has been laying low after her humiliating defeat in the Texas gubernatorial race, but she made time for her favorite cause: abortion. Davis served as the keynote speaker for Planned Parenthood’s annual fundraising luncheon in Dearborn, Michigan.
And after the luncheon, she was confronted by an anonymous citizen who asked her why it was acceptable to abort a 7-pound infant, in a video obtained by Breitbart. Davis’ answer? Well, it never happens:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwm733YOSzo&w=450&h=253]
Well, first of all, that is — it just, that never happens. I mean, that never happens. It really doesn’t happen. And the only time that late-term abortions occur is when something has gone horribly wrong, and either the mother’s life is in danger, or the child’s life is in a very precarious situation. What we can’t ever know is what people are dealing with [unintelligible] when they make these personal choices. It’s not right for us to step into their shoes. That’s what I tell them.
It’s hard to know if Davis is being willfully ignorant, or if she’s just lying. But either way, let’s set the record straight.
First, while it would be nice to know that late-term abortions “never happen”, sadly, they do. Around 50 abortions every day are performed after 21 weeks of pregnancy. And while Kermit Gosnell was the most notorious example of a late-term abortionist operating in the United States willing to perform abortions right up until 40 weeks, he certainly wasn’t the only one.
The documentary ‘After Tiller’ spotlighted four of the country’s late-term abortionists, and doesn’t hide that these abortionists are aborting babies well into the third trimester. That film, by the way, received unadulterated praise from the pro-abortion lobby, who fawned over the grisly business that these butchers practice.
So while late-term abortions don’t happen as frequently as earlier abortions, they sadly do happen.
Second, Davis repeats the ever-popular excuse that late-term abortions happen for medical reasons only: the mother’s life is at risk, or the baby has a severe disability. That makes it slightly more palatable to the American public, and Davis and her ilk know it.
The humanity of a preborn child is unmistakable once you get past 20 weeks, and most Americans oppose abortions past that point. So pro-abortion extremists need a really good heart-tugger to convince people that late-term abortion should be legal. Unfortunately, this has been thoroughly discredited, and by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute at that.
The simple fact is, most women get late-term abortions because of convenience, like most other abortions. They got pregnant, and didn’t want to be. Less than 5 percent of late-term abortions are performed because of health risks to the mother, or because of a fetal abnormality.
Davis and her fellow pro-abortion extremists don’t want people knowing all of this, though. They want you to believe that late-term abortion is both unbelievably rare, and only performed for health reasons. They don’t want you to know the facts, because they know that knowing the facts will mean defeat for them.
But hey, who knows? Maybe we’re all just too dumb to understand. Right, Wendy?