Cosmopolitan Magazine and Miss America Organization have jumped on the bandwagon to promote a cause that is less than honorable: abortion. The two mediums, which claim to represent the interests of women, announced support for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry in a manner that is candidly distasteful.
In a statement responding to criticism over Planned Parenthood’s affiliation with Miss America winner, Kira Kazantsev, organization Chairman Sam Haskell said the winner’s volunteer work with the abortion-giant was honorable and “afforded her the opportunity to advocate against child abuse.” He added that Ms. Kazantsev’s “life experience” ensures that she is a “well-rounded” role model for other young women to follow and emulate.
However, Haskell failed to investigate beyond the rhetoric of “women’s health” and “safe, legal abortion” to uncover Planned Parenthood’s rich history of cover up and abuse, including failure to report statutory rape and human trafficking. The taxpayer-funded organization repeatedly manipulates medical information, encourages sex-selection abortions, and promotes dangerous sex advice to underage boys and girls.
While Haskell’s promotion of Planned Parenthood is a grievance against women and children, even more egregious is female-driven Cosmopolitan’s latest effort to sell a political, pro-abortion diet to young, impressionable women.
Among X-rated sex tips, Fifty Shades BDSM pieces, fluff articles and celebrity gossip, the publication is now endorsing political candidates based on their support for abortion. Cosmopolitan rolled out #CosmoVotes, the magazine’s newly formed political arm which endorses a slew of pro-abortion candidates in time for the November 4th elections. According to Cosmopolitan, midterm candidates are carefully selected based on what is “best for women.” Among endorsements for skin creams and hair styles are promotional pieces favoring candidates such as Colorado Democrat Mark Udall, Senator Kay Hagan of North Carolina, and Florida hopeful Gwen Graham. Cosmopolitan looks no further than a candidate’s support for abortion to make a political endorsement.
Women ought to inquire why they should cast their ballots based on a publication with articles like: “5 Hot News Stories as Told Through Sex Positions”, “Here Are Some Dogs Getting Married”, and “Check Out the New Bracelet That Tells You How Drunk You Are”.
With six seats in the Democrat-controlled Senate in jeopardy, it’s no wonder why Planned Parenthood and Cosmopolitan are adamant about getting their rhetoric across to women. Planned Parenthood knows that a chunk of its monetary war chest could be at risk with Republicans in control, so the abortion-giant is working overtime to endorse officials who promote the organization’s ethos.
While Cosmopolitan and Miss America claim to represent women, the groups truly do women a disservice. The propaganda promoted by these media giants reduce women down to mere individuals whose only wishes are abortion and birth control on demand. Women are coerced into believing that abortion is a requirement for success, and that dangerous hormonal contraceptives — labeled as a Group One carcinogen by the World Health Organization — are necessary in order for women to achieve their career and life goals.
Cosmopolitan and Miss America Organization fail to realize that women are not an electorate defined by birth control drugs and abortion –they are individuals, mothers, leaders, volunteers and advocates whose horizons expand beyond the world of contraception –who are capable of making informed, intellectual decisions about their fertility outside of pro-abortion propaganda. Instead of curbing motherhood and fertility, organizations representing women ought to be embracing these natural and inherent qualities.
When women refuse to buy into abortion pomposity and look beyond the hot air, the sensationalism by these two corporations becomes crystal clear.