Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards
With the abortion rate dropping, Planned Parenthood’s CEO, Cecile Richards, is no longer hiding that her organization provides abortions. This service of abortion has made Planned Parenthood what it is today: the nation’s largest abortion provider.
Previously, the organization has shied away from using the word abortion. In a membership letter from earlier this year, abortion is not mentioned. Instead, the procedure is left to quietly fall under “… many other essential reproductive health services.”
Such secrecy has affected how Planned Parenthood is understood. Polling shows that 55 percent of Americans do not know Planned Parenthood provides abortion.
Yet, in a statement last month, Cecile Richards proclaimed that her organization “is proud to provide abortion services for women …”
Richards was responding to the Guttmacher Institute report showing the abortion rate drop for 2011. It is curious that Cecile Richards is now saying Planned Parenthood is proud to provide abortion. Perhaps she feels the need to promote abortion with its rate declining. And yet she still refuses to acknowledge the true nature of abortion.
Planned Parenthood is in business to dismember unborn children, snuffing out the lives of hundreds of thousands every year. But purposefully vague language means Planned Parenthood does not face reality. If Cecile Richards and her organization are proud to provide this service, then they should also stand behind and be proud of the true nature of abortion.
Stacey Anderson, director of public affairs at Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana claims that “[n]o woman plans to have an abortion.” While this may be true, it is only so because Planned Parenthood plans the abortion for them.
Anyone who doubts Planned Parenthood’s motivation to promote abortion need only consider that 92 percent of their pregnancy services are abortions. There were 333,964 abortions in one year, which means an abortion was performed every 95 seconds, every day. Abortions also outnumber adoption referrals 149 to 1. When abortion generated $170 million for 2012, 55.7 percent of their non-government clinic income, it’s no wonder that Cecile Richards is proud her organization provides it.
A lucrative asset to Planned Parenthood’s business model is abortion. And just as those who coerce women into having abortions benefit because it is more convenient for them, so does Planned Parenthood.
Despite Planned Parenthood’s efforts to promote abortion, Americans are increasingly pro-life. More pro-life laws have been passed than ever before. And Planned Parenthood is well aware of the effect these laws have. The organization is now running scared as they hide the true nature of abortion, ignoring the pain they themselves have caused in providing this “service.” It is not so surprising then that Cecile Richards is desperately trying to normalize and defend what more and more Americans understand to be wrong.