Editor’s Note: Live Action cannot and does not endorse federal candidates. This article is not an endorsement of either candidate in the presidential election, but simply an expression of the author’s personal opinions.
Many consider the U.S. presidential election a tossup. Most of the typical – and a few untypical – swing states are still in play, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado, Michigan, and Wisconsin. A host of electoral votes lie unclaimed, waiting for the hands that will grab them tomorrow. No matter how long it takes to count or recount the nation’s votes, we can be certain that the votes cast tomorrow and in previous weeks will alter the course of our nation.
Will the United States choose a president who increases the budget of Planned Parenthood – the nation’s largest abortion provider – on the backs of the taxpayers? Will we choose a president who will force religious corporations to fund contraceptives and chemical abortions against their conscience? Will we keep the president who has continually spoken out on behalf of Planned Parenthood, purposely ignoring the silent screams of the innocent?
Or will America choose a new president, one who believes that Roe v. Wade was a judicial grab of power? Will we pick a president who believes that 98%-99.5% of all abortions are unnecessary and should be illegal? Will we decide to elect a president who cares about the people of this nation and their religious freedoms, their conscience rights, and their most basic right – the right to life? Will the U.S. elect a president who has pledged to defund Planned Parenthood, instead of buddying up to the nation’s biggest killer?
Only tomorrow will tell.
But in the meantime, we cannot sit unready. We already know what we must do if President Obama is re-elected tomorrow. We must raise our voices ever louder on behalf of the innocent. If we hide, their voices will drown into silence. We cannot hide, or be silent, or go away in discouragement. We can survive another four years of anything, because we must. The innocent children need us, no matter who else abandons them – even if it is the leader of the free world. If President Obama wins, we continue marching along, picking up the pace, and taking as many lives as possible with us.
If Governor Romney wins tomorrow, we don’t stop the fight, either. But the fight will take a different turn. We must continue our efforts because we all know that abortion will not end just because Romney wins. Anyone who believes that is living in a fairytale land. If Romney wins, we must insist on action. Action is what ends abortion, not an election. We must insist that he keep his promise. We cannot rest or back off until he defunds Planned Parenthood.
Defunding Planned Parenthood – immediately – is the biggest pro-life promise that Governor Romney has made, and we cannot let him forget it.
The actions I’ll take immediately are to remove funding for Planned Parenthood. It will not be part of my budget.
The day he takes office is the day we begin to insist he make good on his promise. Twenty thirteen’s March for Life ought to showcase pro-lifers reminding Romney that he pledged to defund Planned Parenthood, and we are here to make sure he does it.
Planned Parenthood is morally bankrupt. Planned Parenthood is economically wrong for the taxpayers and for the nation. Planned Parenthood endangers the lives of women, wrecks families, and kills our children. And it is up to us to make sure Mitt Romney keeps his promise to defund the abortion giant.
That is what we must do if Mitt Romney wins tomorrow. Agreed?