
What’s more romantic than abortion?

holding-handsWhat does the world of romance need in it? Well, more abortion, of course!

Take literature, for example. Many romance novels end with the meant-to-be couple happily together, married, and with a child. But that’s not as romantic as, say, a couple who gets together, has sex, accidentally gets pregnant, and then decides to have an abortion. Doesn’t that just make you feel the love? Romance needs more abortion in it, baby.

Is this why romances featuring heroines who have had abortions, or who contemplate having an abortion, are so very rare?

… The Centers for Disease Control report that in United States in 2009, for every 1,000 live births, 227 pregnancies were terminated. The majority of women terminating their pregnancies were in their twenties. Many of these women, like Hattie, are likely to engage in romantic relationships and marriages in the years after their abortions. Their experiences, however, are notably lacking in our current romance literature.

Can you think of any romance novels that feature heroines who have had abortions, and who are not judged/scarred for life by the experience? Or a romance in which a couple works through the decision together about whether to continue an unwanted pregnancy, or terminate it? Can you imagine a romance novel in which a couple chooses an abortion, but still remains together at story’s end?

Hey, you know what else lots of people do? Steal stuff. Maybe we need more thieves glorified in romance novels. Ooh, or how about selling drugs? Lots of people do that! Just imagine, a plotline where a drug dealer with a heart of gold struggles between giving up his lucrative career getting people hooked on illegal substances that will kill them and a relationship with the spunky heroine who sees the good in him. Romantic, huh?

In all seriousness, there’s a reason why abortion isn’t mentioned in most romance novels. No one, except perhaps the most extreme abortion advocates, dreams about getting knocked up by a guy and aborting his baby. Even the pro-aborts say it: for most women, having to get an abortion is an incredibly difficult, and often sad, decision. Who would fantasize about getting an abortion – aside from, apparently, pro-abortion extremists? Well, super creepy men, for one. Guys looking for consequence-free sex and bro-choicers. In general, slimeball men looking to exploit women.

They make for sexy romance novel heroes, huh? Tons of women fantasize about men who will, say, lie about their relationship in order to manipulate a woman into getting an abortion. That’s a real turn-on. Meanwhile, the romance-novel heroine has to go through an invasive medical procedure that very possibly could leave her with physical and emotional scars for the rest of her life. What a page-turner!

It really goes to show how warped the minds of many abortion advocates truly are. It isn’t enough for abortion to just be legal. It has to be celebrated, glorified, exalted. And evidently, it now needs to be considered romantic as well – because ripping an unborn child to pieces, limb by limb, is exactly what every women dreams of doing one day.

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