White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest
Despite continued insistence that Planned Parenthood is the innocent victim of an anti-abortion smear campaign, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted Friday he still has not viewed the Center for Medical Progress’s undercover videos into the organization’s activities for himself…
I have certainly seen the coverage of the videos, and I’ve seen some of the snippets that have been shown on television, but I have not watched the videos in their entirety. I know that there are hours that have been released. My guess is that the forensic study that Planned Parenthood commissioned probably took quite some time.
However, the Obama Administration spokesman still suggested the CMP videos “may or may not have been taken out of context,” and that efforts to defund the abortion giant are driven not by outrage over the possible federal crimes revealed in them, but to “prevent women from getting health care.”
Earnest has previously claimed there is “not a lot of evidence” to suggest Planned Parenthood’s fetal organ harvesting practices fail to meet “the highest ethical standards.”
But as Live Action News has covered, Earnest has also admitted this assessment is based on viewing “news reports” on the videos and not on firsthand knowledge of their content, which shows a number of top officials from the abortion giant discussing what appears to be illegal profit from the sale of human organs, illegally altering abortion procedures to preserve organs in the most usable condition, and performing illegal partial-birth abortions.
The videos also indicate possible killings of newborns delivered alive, widespread sanitation problems at abortion clinics, routine violations of requirements that abortion-seeking women consent to donate fetal remains, and general callousness toward the destruction of human life.