As the effort to defund America’s largest abortion provider gains momentum across the states, Planned Parenthood goofed and scored an “[I]ncomplete” in Ohio … helping us get closer to our goal: zero money from taxpayers:
The Cincinnati, Ohio Planned Parenthood abortion business cost itself more than $5 million in taxpayer funds thanks to an incomplete application. The result may be fitting given that it has covered up cases of sexual abuse of minors.
Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region lost $5.05 million in federal and state grants that it could have received over the next five years, according to the Dayton Daily News. The abortion business tells the newspaper it will now have to start charging people for non-abortion services, rather than cutting out abortions and providing them at no cost.
… Ohio lawmakers have filed a bill that would further send taxpayer funds meant for Planned Parenthood to health departments. [LifeNews]
This brings the total defunding of Planned Parenthood nationwide to over $65,000,000!
This one was a freebie. Let’s work to give Planned Parenthood the failing grade it deserves in other states as well.