
Why Wendy Davis isn’t a hero

A fraud, selling out her constituents.

If you glance around the pro-abortion media or blogosphere, you’ll see glowing reviews of Wendy Davis for her 10-hour filibuster of Texas’s SB5. This bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks and increase safety regulations for abortion clinics, which, for pro-aborts, is the worst thing ever. Davis is being exalted as some kind of pro-abortion hero, and she seems to agree. As the dust begins to settle after Davis, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, and their pro-abortion mob shouted down legislators until time ran out for a vote, Davis’s name is everywhere. And according to her, she was speaking out for women everywhere!

“I hoped … to give voice to the women across the state of Texas — and the men who love them — who would be affected by this law. The law essentially would mean that almost every clinic in Texas would close. We would have only five remaining open,” Davis said Thursday on “CBS This Morning.”

Before the filibuster, Davis said she “spent a great deal of time reading the testimonies and personal stories from people who wanted to share why this law would have such a devastating impact.”

“I thought that we could stop it and we did stop it, for now,” she said. “No one knew for sure whether the governor would call us back for another special session on this particular topic. I’m disappointed he did.”


Via wendyforsenate.com

Davis certainly is speaking out for some women, but it isn’t what the majority of Texans – or Americans – want. The majority both women and Americans overall are against allowing abortions after 20 weeks. The women whom Davis is speaking for are a small subset of radical extremists – and the mob who supported her? How many of them actually were Texans? Cecile Richards was born in Texas, but she lives in New York now. How many of her cronies were bused in from around the country to shout down this bill, which most Texans support?

Davis is speaking for someone, all right, but she isn’t speaking for Texas. Let’s make that clear right now.

And what, pray tell, would be the devastating impact of these increased safety regulations? Pro-aborts lament that clinics would be forced to close (only if they chose to not comply with the new regulations), and that the regulations are expensive. What do pro-aborts never say? That these regulations wouldn’t make abortion safer. They can’t say it, because whether they’re too expensive or would force most clinics to close, they know full well that they would make abortion safer.

Yet somehow, the people whining about this bill forcing them into back-alley butcher shops are the same ones complaining about abortion being made safer. What’s the devastating impact here? That clinics couldn’t be run as filthy butcher shops? That in case of an emergency, an abortionist would have admitting privileges to a local hospital? Isn’t abortion supposed to be safe, legal, and rare? It’s obvious that the only thing pro-aborts actually care about is keeping abortion legal. The safe and rare parts are not so important. They’d rather keep women going to unregulated, unsafe clinics than even entertain the possibility that abortion might be the tiniest bit limited. It’s clearly not women they’re looking out for.

So, to recap, abortion “hero” Wendy Davis is someone who is actually shunning the voices of Texans in favor of the abortion lobby, and feels that making abortion safer would be devastating to women. She might be enjoying the fame and the hero-worship, but let’s be clear: Wendy Davis is no hero. She’s a fraud selling out her constituents to be the newest pro-abortion darling.

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