
Wisconsin Senate votes to defund Planned Parenthood, cut $7.5 million in funding

The Wisconsin State Senate has voted to pass two bills that would eliminate a combined $7.5 million in state funding for Planned Parenthood.

One bill limits abortion providers to billing Medicaid only for birth control’s actual acquisition costs and dispensing fees, cutting an estimated $4.5 million from Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin annually, while the other renders PPWI ineligible for federal Title X grant money, cutting another $3 million from the abortion giant.

The latter bill would redirect the money to the state Well Women health program instead of eliminating it outright.

“We can go and give more money for these important, critical health services,” Republican Senator and chief bill sponsor Chris Kapenga responded. “Why would you not get behind this bill?”


The Senate voted 18-14 for the first bill, sending to the state Assembly for consideration. The second passed 19-14, and having already passed the Assembly in September, now goes on to Governor Scott Walker’s desk.

Walker, who is pro-life, is expected to sign both bills. Every Wisconsin Democrat lawmaker voted against both bills.

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