Mark Gietzen of the Kansas Coalition for Life has reported via Facebook that a woman who had an abortion at Planned Parenthood in Kansas committed suicide hours after the abortion was completed. The deaths of mother and child took place in late June 2017. This double tragedy serves as a heartbreaking reminder that women who have abortions suffer the emotional effects either moments after or even years after the abortion. Gietzen’s statement reads:
YOU WILL NOT hear this on the news, because the family does not want to talk about it publicly. Unfortunately, we have now confirmed that a beautiful, bright, 20-year-old Wichita girl, named Alishia, who was a potential KCFL Client since about June 2nd, ended up having an abortion at Planned Parenthood in Overland Park, Kansas, and then killed herself with a gunshot to her own head, later that same day in late June…
Gietzen explains that Alishia had been estranged from her family due to a drug addiction and was homeless. While she didn’t know who the father of her child was, Alishia expressed that she wanted to be a mother, but she was afraid that her baby had already been hurt by her drug use — an issue that an OB-GYN could likely have helped Alishia deal with in a life-affirming way.
“We also know that Alishia chose Planned Parenthood, at least in part, because she did not want to have to deal with the KCFL Volunteers at the gate of the South Wind abortion facility in Wichita,” wrote Gietzen. “Alishia was still early in her pregnancy, yet apparently too far along to have a chemical abortion at Planned Parenthood-Wichita. Most likely, Planned Parenthood of Wichita arranged for, or provided Alishia’s transportation to Overland Park for the abortion, because transportation was a daily concern…”
Studies show that women who have abortions are six to seven times more likely to commit suicide. Post-abortion syndrome is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. Symptoms can include guilt, anxiety, avoidance of pregnant woman, depression, inability to bond with future children, eating disorders, alcohol and drug use, thoughts of suicide, and suicide. The abortion industry hides this information in order to protect its own interests, but the truth is that abortion takes not only the life of a child but negatively affects the mother for the rest of her life. (Here’s more information on how.) Signs of post-abortion syndrome can occur immediately or years after the abortion.
“I am posting this to urge everyone to understand how heavily the abortion decision weighs on the mind of a young mother, and to urge you to be supportive of the efforts of The Kansas Coalition for Life, to stop abortion by offering meaningful help to those mothers who are considering an abortion,” wrote Geitzen. “Please keep Alishia, and others like her, in your prayers.”
Editor’s Note: If you are or someone you know is struggling after an abortion, see this article for resources that may help with healing. If you are making a decision about abortion, see Clinic Quotes, 10 Reasons Not to Have an Abortion, Abortion Procedures, and What to Do if Your Boyfriend (or Anyone) is Pressuring You to Have an Abortion. You can also check out Stand Up Girl and Option Line or Pregnancy Line to find local resources, help, and trained people to talk to in your area. If you’ve begun an abortion and are regretting your decision, the 24-hour, nurse-staffed hotline at Abortion Pill Reversal may be able to give you information on reversing your abortion. Men involved in a pregnancy situation can check out Abortion and Men and Abortion Exploits Women.