Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart is unfortunately still committing abortions — and that means he’s not only killing viable children, but injuring many of their mothers, as well. Earlier this month, a woman nearly bled to death at Carhart’s facility, Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska, in Bellevue.
A 911 call obtained by pro-life group Operation Rescue (OR) reveals that the abortion patient was 21 years old, and she had hemorrhaged to the extent that her hemoglobin level had dropped to 6.3. As OR notes, “Normal hemoglobin levels for females range from 12.0 to 15.5,” and a level of 6.3 would necessitate a blood transfusion. The staffer, known only as “Chelsea,” was requesting an ambulance transport to the University of Nebraska Medical Center for the patient whose abortion was “complete.”
Late-term abortions are extremely dangerous. As seen in the video below narrated by former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, the risks of a late-term induction abortion, typically committed beginning at 25 weeks of pregnancy, include hemorrhage, lacerations, uterine perforations, future pregnancy complications, and even maternal death. D&E dismemberment abortions, done between weeks 13 and 24, are just as fraught with problems as induction abortions:
Operation Rescue notes that “the emergency radio traffic archive during this incident had been wiped clean,” so this information was learned from 911 records. OR president Troy Newman says the woman reportedly survived but was treated in intensive care “for several days.” The group adds that another abortionist was working at the Bellevue facility that day and has not been seen since by pro-lifers who maintain a presence at the facility.
LeRoy Carhart is a familiar name to many pro-lifers. He killed Christin Gilbert and Jennifer Morbelli, and he has seriously injured at least 15 other women that we’ve accounted for since 2012. He was also featured in Live Action’s InHuman investigation, which shines a light on the gruesomeness of late-term abortion, which happens more often than the abortion industry and its supporters care to admit. Carhart was recorded on audio as stating, prior to a woman’s abortion, that he would make sure her baby was dead, thanks to the tools of abortion. “I’d have better luck standing in front of a train and getting hit and surviving than — going 100 miles an hour — than the baby will,” he casually stated. He also likened the woman’s deceased unborn child still in the womb as “meat in a Crock Pot.”
Authorities continue to allow Carhart to practice his grisly trade, despite the multiple deaths and injuries for which he is responsible.