A woman who shared her abortion story on AbortionChangesYou.com took the abortion pill, but her abortion failed, and she was instructed to have a surgical abortion. She was only 15 when she got pregnant in 2009. Despite being young, she wanted to keep her baby. But when her stepfather found out about her pregnancy, he gave her an ultimatum:
“You’re not going to live here and raise a baby” [was] the first thing I was told by my stepfather. I sat and explained what I thought would be the life I could have. Everything I said, my stepdad had an answer that made it impossible to argue with.
She still fantasized about keeping her child. But her mother also wanted her to abort, and her boyfriend wasn’t supportive. She reluctantly agreed to the abortion:
I went to bed knowing I was growing a baby in me and imagined what life was going to be like…. That soon came to an end, just as my boyfriend showed very little interest in my pregnancy and refused to do things such as an ultrasound and looking at baby names. I was young, I was excited, but this dark cloud came over and my mom talked to me about abortion. I agreed that I thought it was right, considering the fact that my boyfriend clearly wasn’t ready.
READ: Abortion pill regret: I was lied to, pressured, and have been unable to conceive again
She was eight weeks pregnant when she took the abortion pill. She suffered intense pain and fever:
The pain starts and it’s getting intense, I race to the restroom and drop my first of many clots. I start instantly crying, “what am I doing, why would I do this to myself but also to something I wanted!? ” … The first day was hell. The second and third day I have a crazy fever, I’m so weak from the loss of blood and the pain I endured with nothing to be happy about. It took me over a week to gain my energy back but as the energy came in, so did the regret.
When she went back to the abortion facility, they found that the abortion was incomplete. They told her “a blood clot” had been left behind. She had a surgical abortion:
I was laying their [sic] bottomless in a room that many women have had babies ripped from their wombs. The doctor walked in as they strapped me down to the bed, and he hardly talks. I’ve seen evil, and I believe that man was. I woke up in a huge recovery room with girls that were fresh out of surgical abortions, the energy in that room was sad with confusion… I watched these girls hardly be able to walk out, babyless. Makes my stomach turn to this day.
She suffered emotionally after her abortion. Her grades dropped, and she considered suicide:
I took it hard, I was emotionally and mentally messed up. I failed 3 classes and was on the verge of committing suicide. My boyfriend and I were no longer allowed to see each other due to my grades. Life was a mess.
A year later, she got pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter. It is not uncommon for women suffering from abortion regret to become pregnant again soon after their abortions. She says:
My baby girl helped heal a bit, but I will never ever forget that day that I made that terrible choice. I’ve asked Christ to forgive me and I believe he has. The pain will never go away, and I feel like a fool.
She now has three other children but hasn’t stopped grieving for the one she aborted.
Editor’s Note: For information on abortion pill reversal, visit AbortionPillReversal.com.
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