Live Action News has been following a harrowing situation out of Boulder, Colorado, since last March.
Dynel Catrece Lane was found guilty on Tuesday of luring Michelle Wilkins to her home, where Wilkins was expecting to pick up baby clothes. Instead, Lane stabbed her nearly to death and cut open her stomach, removing Wilkins’ seven-month-old preborn daughter, Aurora, who subsequently did not survive.
Fox 31, a Denver affiliate, reported that Lane was found guilty of all the charges against her – six felony counts including attempted first-degree murder and unlawful termination of a pregnancy. Lane could face 140 years in prison, but is likely to receive 110-120 years. Even so, there were no charges filed against Lane for the death of Aurora.
This was the decision Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett, who not only attempted to shorten Lane’s sentence, but decided not to charge Lane with murder for her crimes against Aurora – despite the fact that the baby girl was heard taking a breath, and could have survived outside of the womb with proper medical attention. Unfortunately, this isn’t so surprising, considering Garnett is very much in the abortion industry’s pocket.
No justice was served for Aurora because Colorado failed to vote to provide such a status to preborn babies. The Brady Amendment was most recently defeated in the 2014 mid-term elections.
State Democrats also have a history of fighting against preborn babies like Aurora. Most recently in May 2015, they killed a bill that would have added such protections for women and their preborn children, which could have provided justice in this case.
Lane will go to prison for the rest of her life. While justice is being served in one way or another, Baby Aurora should have received justice as well.