An article in Vox featured an abortionist who co-founded the Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline, and included advice for women who have undergone abortions to lie to emergency room staff if they’re experiencing complications.
Linda Prine is described as a “family physician,” though she is, in fact, a long-time abortionist who also trains medical students in how to commit abortions. She also founded the hotline, in which she and other volunteers coach women on how to undergo chemical abortions at home without medical supervision. And in her interview with Vox, she said women are frequently taking abortion pills past the FDA-recommended 10 weeks.
“[T]hey’re further along in pregnancy and they’re calling us scared, because they’ve passed a tiny but recognizable fetus, and they are freaked out and they weren’t expecting that,” she said. “And it’s frankly traumatizing, what people are going through, because they haven’t had any anticipatory guidance that this might be happening, and people who’ve had an abortion before with pills didn’t pass anything that they could see.”
She then insinuated that the timing of when abortion pills can be taken is arbitrary.
“The pills are approved by the FDA for up to 10 weeks and by the World Health Organization for up to 12,” she said, adding, “But now, they’re using them whenever they can get them. And sometimes that is quite a bit later. Sometimes it’s 14 weeks, 18 weeks. And so we get calls from people completely freaked out, crying, sobbing.”
Studies have found that abortion pills are four times more dangerous than first trimester surgical abortions, and taking abortion pills after 10 weeks increases the potential risks, including death. Yet Prine continued by admitting they tell women who are experiencing complications to lie when they seek help.
“[W]e also tell them, if they do decide to go, how to protect themselves in terms of how they explain what’s been happening to them,” she said. “In other words, they’re having a miscarriage, they’re not having an abortion, and that it’s impossible for anyone in the emergency room to figure out that they used pills. There’s no blood test for that. There’s no exam to show that that’s what happened.”
Such advice is incredibly dangerous; recently, a 19-year-old girl reportedly died after taking abortion pills because she went into septic shock. Other doctors spoke of a 22-year-old girl who had an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy after taking abortion pills, putting her life in danger. Yet the advice given by Prine — to lie to emergency room physicians, hampering their ability to give the life-saving care women need — is frequently dispensed by numerous groups within the abortion industry. Yet in every single state where preborn children are legally protected from abortion, women are not the ones who face jail time or criminal charges for undergoing an abortion… abortionists are — which makes Prine’s advice self-serving, at the expense of women.
Women deserve better, and Prine’s so-called words of wisdom merely prove that the abortion industry is more interested in looking out for itself and covering their own tracks, even if it puts women’s lives at risk.