
AUDIO: Two women nearly bleed to death at hands of late-term abortionist

women, danger, abortion, abortionist, Planned Parenthood

Josepha Seletz, a late-term abortionist in Beverly Hills, is both the owner and operator of the Pro-Choice Medical Center. Newly revealed 911 records reveal more information about two botched abortions that happened this year at the center — both late-term abortions, and both with the same complication. And both botched abortions took place within just days of each other.

On July 3rd, a woman suffered a botched abortion at 21 weeks and experienced Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC). This is a life-threatening complication most commonly caused by an amniotic fluid embolism, or amniotic fluid being released into the bloodstream. This can happen due to infection, lacerations of the uterus, or compromised blood vessels when the placenta detaches. An incomplete abortion procedure which leaves behind parts of the preborn baby can also cause DIC. According to the NIH, in such cases, the mother “is often acutely ill and shocked with widespread hemorrhage (common bleeding sites are mouth, nose, and venipuncture sites), extensive bruising, renal failure, and gangrene.” It can lead to death if not treated quickly.

Yet Seletz’s staff showed no urgency whatsoever when they called 911 about the mother’s condition, blithely reporting, “We have a patient that had a second trimester pregnancy termination. After the procedure, she’s having some bleeding, and Dr. Seletz at this point thinks it’s DIC. That’s when the blood doesn’t clot, so she’s [just going] for observation.” The seriousness of the condition was not made clear to the emergency operator, instead being framed as just a routine complication that’s not to be worried about.

READ: Patient hemorrhages at ‘dangerous’ Planned Parenthood in Chicago

Just one week later, another woman suffered the same complication — but this time, it was even more disturbing. Records indicated that the abortion was committed at approximately 12:00pm, and yet, 911 was not called until after 6:00pm — even though the patient was “oozing” blood. When paramedics finally arrived, the patient needed two liters of fluid before she could be transferred to the emergency room.

From the 911 recording, the abortion facility first called 911, and then hung up. The patient’s condition was finally reported after emergency operators called back, and when the facility staffer answered, she gave the name “Sinai Surgical,” the former name of the facility, instead of the current name of “Pro-Choice Medical Center.”

“We have a patient that had a second trimester pregnancy termination. So, she has DIC. That means her blood is not coagulating, and we did a blood test that got confirmed at the hospital, so we [unintelligible] for observation,” the staffer said. Again, there was seemingly no urgency to the phone call or indication of the potential seriousness of the complication.

READ: Hemorrhaging woman calls 911 after abortion facility kicks her out

Operation Rescue reports that there have been at least four botched abortions at this facility so far this year which required hospitalization. Abortion activists frequently argue that abortion must be legal to prevent women from being maimed in back-alley procedures at the hands of butchers. But with abortionists like Seletz allowed to practice medicine, women are being legally butchered, and any regulations against abortion facilities are fought against vigorously.

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