Late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell is serving a life sentence for the murders of three infants, although it is believed he killed many more. Gosnell delivered babies alive during abortions, and then used scissors to “snip” their spinal cords — and this process, according to his former employees, was alarmingly common. The grand jury report stated, “These killings became so routine that no one could put an exact number on them. They were considered ‘standard procedure’.” Gosnell kept severed baby feet in jars on display around his facility, like trophies. But in addition to the senseless killing of infants, Gosnell butchered women, too.
They came to him for help and found a “house of horrors” replete with urine- and blood-soaked carpets, flea-infested cats roaming the facility, and rusty, unsterilized medical instruments. Women were infected with sexually transmitted diseases, suffered horrific complications from abortions, and at least two women died. Most of the women who came to Gosnell were minorities and poor women who often feared that they could not report the shoddy treatment they received at Gosnell’s hands. White patients were treated far better.
READ: Planned Parenthood supporter and abortionists agree: Abortion is good because it eliminates minorities
A former employee said these patients would be taken up the back steps by Gosnell himself to the only clean office in the building, and the TV would be turned on for them. But Black and Asian women were left to suffer through the squalid conditions. The grand jury report records a former Gosnell employee saying:
Like if a girl — the black population was — African population was big here. So he didn’t mind you medicating your African American girls, your Indian girl, but if you had a white girl from the suburbs, oh, you better not medicate her. You better wait until he go in and talk to her first. And one day I said something to him and he was like, that’s the way of the world. Huh?
And he brushed it off and that was it.
One of Gosnell’s patients had her cervix and colon torn by him, and then he left her there, injured, for hours. Another 19-year-old girl had to have a hysterectomy after Gosnell punctured her uterus — and again, left her there bleeding for hours until she went into shock from blood loss. Some women were forced into abortions even if they changed their minds, and were often heavily sedated by untrained and unqualified staffers. Desiree Hawkins was referred to Gosnell at the age of 16 by a National Abortion Federation-certified abortion facility for a late-term abortion; she says that when she cried and begged him to stop with the abortion, he and his staffers laughed at her and said, “Stop being a baby.”
The even more disturbing reality is that Gosnell is not an outlier. Others in the abortion industry have shown willingness to engage in racist acts. In a Live Action undercover investigation, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion corporation, was found to be willing to accept donations specifically earmarked for the abortions of black babies:
Planned Parenthood has also been found to have pressured black women into sterilization, which is in perfect keeping with founder Margaret Sanger’s history of eugenics. As she said of her so-called “Negro Project”:
It seems to me from my experience…that while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts.
We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.
We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
According to Protecting Black Life, Planned Parenthood also places its facilities primarily in minority neighborhoods. An interactive map on PBL’s website shows 79 percent of their surgical abortion facilities are within walking distance of black or Hispanic neighborhoods.
READ: Pro-abortion advocates claim to help the poor, minorities, and women, but do they really?
In New York City, it’s even worse. The vast majority of babies aborted are Black and Hispanic, and there are more Black babies aborted than are born. While the problem isn’t quite as pronounced nationwide, it’s still horrifying; despite making up just 13% of the population, the Guttmacher Institute — the former research arm of Planned Parenthood — reports that Black women account for 28% of all abortions. Hispanics make up 18% of the population but account for 25% of abortions.
Any industry that preys on the weak, vulnerable, and impoverished, who feel like they have nowhere else to turn, is not an industry to be trusted. And as Gosnell and Planned Parenthood both show, minority women are at great risk of being taken advantage of, all while the abortion industry claims to empower and help them.