Live Action’s latest video in its Pro-Life Replies series takes aim at an all-too-common false idea: that women need abortion in order to be equal to men.
In the video, content creator and new mom Sami Parker describes the common pro-abortion idea, which insinuates that because the demands of pregnancy and caring for children often fall disproportionately on women, women must be able to kill their preborn children through abortion in order to remain on equal footing with men:
Parker notes there are many problems with this line of thinking, but she soundly debunks it by looking at three of the most prominent ones.
Number 1: Real equality requires an equal right to life for everyone.
“Without the right to life, no other rights matter,” says Parker. “We can’t kill innocent human beings in the name of equality for human beings because the destruction of innocent human lives is never a solution to any problem.”
Number 2: Pregnancy does not make women unequal to men.
Parker explains that biological differences are an inescapable fact of human nature. People across humanity will experience differences in height, weight, intelligence, and many other traits. These differences don’t make anyone better or worse, or more valuable or less valuable than anyone else. The same is true of the ability to get pregnant. ”
“While pregnancy does present difficulties and challenges unique to women, treating the ability to get pregnant as some kind of biological disadvantage is ludicrous. Pregnancy isn’t a disease that needs to be cured,” Parker says. She goes on to note, “Treating pregnancy like a disease frames women merely as defective men.”
Number 3: Men and women should be held equally responsible for their children.
If a man abandons his child, it’s a gross neglect of his responsibilities. So why would we ask a woman to neglect her responsibilities and go so far as to kill her child, in an attempt to level the playing field?
“Instead of lowering the bar for women, we should be raising the bar for men,” Parker says. She goes on to point out that it is unfair that many call abortion a “woman’s issue,” arguing instead that men should be stepping up to care for the woman and the child he fathered.
Parker ends by saying, “Killing children isn’t the solution to solving the challenges that they present. Instead, we should focus our energies on supporting families in facing those challenges, and calling men to fulfill their role in caring and nurturing children.”
“Legal abortion denies a huge segment of human beings the most basic protection our laws provide,” she says. “What can be more unequal than that?”