Pro-abortion organizations have launched a massive attack on pregnancy resource centers. Their propaganda insists that such centers prey on women by deceiving them about fetal development and the risks of abortion. But many women have been helped by these centers, and some have spoken about their experience on YELP.
Here is an online review for the Real Life Crisis Pregnancy Center in Reno.
One woman writes:
The Valley Pregnancy Center in Connecticut has a number of reviews:
Another woman at Valley wrote:
A shorter review agreed with the one above:
On the Valley View Pregnancy Center’s YELP page as well as another page, there are a number of one star reviews. These reviews are all very short, and almost all the same, word for word. None of them give any specific information about the center, but just say something like, “This is not an abortion clinic! They will lie to you and try to get you not to have an abortion! Don’t go here.” These reviews are so similar and contain so little detail that I strongly suspect they are fake reviews from people who have never set foot inside the centers.
In this article, I am only showing reviews where it is clear the woman who wrote them actually visited the center and obtained services there.
This woman was addressing the pro-abortion “reviews” when she said:
Pro-choice activists say that pregnancy resource centers lie to women and claim to provide abortions, or give evasive answers when pregnant women call and ask if the centers offer abortions. There was no sign of that in any of the real reviews. One person who called a Birthright clinic said:
It sounds as if this center told the caller the truth — that they offer information about abortion but don’t refer for them — when she called, even though, as a result, she chose not to go to the center.
As an aside, it is ironic that this reviewer says that Planned Parenthood will talk to a pregnant person “without pressure” when many, many women’s actual stories seem to show the opposite. Former Planned Parenthood employees have said the same thing. Even pro-choicers have written about how poor Planned Parenthood’s “counseling” is.
Pro-choice author Jennifer Baumgardner, who designed and sold the “I had an abortion” t-shirts, said the following about her trip to Planned Parenthood:
I went with my boyfriend and friend to Planned Parenthood. I think I was headed into my eighth week at that point. I went into a room for pre-abortion counseling — five quick, terse questions. I had assumed that I was going to get a half-hour and I would finally be able to tell someone or talk to someone about how freaked out I was, but I didn’t get to.
Contrast this with the following reviews.
Pregnancy Help Center in California (the state that brought the anti-pregnancy resource case before the Supreme Court) had many good reviews.
This person went to a pregnancy resource center to be tested for a wanted pregnancy. Even though there was no risk of this woman having an abortion, the resource center still helped her.
Some more reviews said:
And the last review:
Another California pregnancy resource center, this one in Santa Cruz, also had good reviews:
Unlike the other pregnancy resource centers, this center also had a negative review from someone who actually went there. The person who gave the negative review got angry when she saw a picture of several preborn babies on a handout. She insisted the pregnancy center was lying because the “embryo” in the first trimester does not have hands and feet or “look like a baby.” However, if you know anything about fetal development, you know that a fetus in the first trimester, particularly at eight weeks or later, really does look quite a bit like a baby and definitely has hands and feet. This person stormed out of the center as soon as she saw the pictures, and claims that the center lied to her by having a pamphlet with fake pictures in it. See actual fetal development in the video below:
The fact that these centers got such good reviews really isn’t surprising when you consider that a survey given to women by the pregnancy resource network CareNet found that 97% of them had positive things to say about their experience at the centers.
In reality, pregnancy resource centers are very different from pro-abortion portrayals of them. They walk with women through their pregnancies, and provide real, tangible help, as well as emotional support. And, unlike Planned Parenthood, their services are free.