Lila Rose And Pro-Life Women Speak Out To Defund Planned Parenthood
Contact: Kate Bryan,, (323) 454-3304
DES MOINES, March 7 ─ Today, Live Action and the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) launch a 4-day, 13-district “Women Speak Out: Defund Planned Parenthood” bus tour. Led by Live Action president Lila Rose and former Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, the tour will include press conferences and rallies in 13 congressional districts. Each stop features local pro-life leaders thanking Members who voted for Rep. Mike Pence’s amendment to defund Planned Parenthood of its over $300 million in federal funding and targeting Members who voted against it.
The tour will make 11 stops, covering 13 districts across Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Rhode Island and New Hampshire from Monday, March 7 to Thursday, March 10. Press conferences and rallies at each stop will highlight grassroots support for stripping taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion chain. The tour schedule is available at:
“Planned Parenthood is a corrupt organization that aids and abets the sex trafficking of minor girls,” says Rose. “A vote to funnel federal dollars into the nation’s biggest abortion business is a vote to make taxpayers accomplices in the exploitation of women and children, even at a time when our country is broke. We commend our Representatives who have voted to defund Planned Parenthood of its taxpayer subsidies–now they must stand strong and hold the line in negotiations with the Senate. American taxpayers and American women don’t want to subsidize abortion or those who aid and abet the victimization of young girls.”
Live Action is the youth-led pro-life organization responsible for recent undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood staff from management on down willing to aid and abet the sex trafficking of minor girls in New Jersey, Virginia, New York, and Washington, D.C.. Over the past 4 years, Live Action has also recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood clinics agreeing to cover up statutory rape and manipulating women during counseling with medical misinformation to choose abortions.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Des Moines, Iowa – Demand Rep. Leonard Boswell stand for women, girls and taxpayers!
When: 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM CST
Where: Outside Rep. Leonard Boswell’s Office, 300 East Locust, Des Moines, IA 50309
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Jenifer Bowen, Iowa Right to Life, Executive Director
– Tamara Scott, Iowa Chapter of Concerned Women for America, Director
– Maggie Dewitte, Iowans for Life, Executive Director
– Jennifer Chaplin, Local Pro-life Activist
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Davenport, Iowa – Demand Rep. Bruce Braley stand for women, girls and taxpayers!
When: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM CST
Where: Outside Rep. Bruce Braley’s Office, 209 W. 4th St., Davenport, IA 52801
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Luana Stohltenberg, local pro-life activist
– Lynelle Stalhut, local pro-life activist
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Geneva, Illinois – Thank Reps. Randy Hultgren and Joe Walsh for standing with women and voting to Defund Planned Parenthood!
When: 3:45 PM – 4:15 PM CST
Where: Outside Rep. Randy Hultgren’s Office, 1797 State Street, Geneva, IL 60134
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Kelly Gorsky, co-Founder Waterleaf Women’s Center
– Nancy Weber, pro-life activist and mother of four
– Denice Garcia, pro-life activist
– Carol Ann Parisi, pro-life activist
– Ann Scheidler, Vice President, Pro-Life Action League
– Susan Lisowski, Corporate Site Manager of Woman’s Choice Services
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Toledo, Ohio – Demand Rep. Marcy Kaptur stand for women, girls and taxpayers!
When: 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM EST
Where: Outside Rep. Marcy Kaptur’s Office, One Maritime, Toledo, OH 43604
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Ann Barrick, founder of ProLifeConnection, local coordinator for 40 Days for Life
– Jennifer Antonini, President of Toledo Right to Life
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Erie, Pennsylvania – Thank Rep. Mike Kelly for standing for women and voting to defund Planned Parenthood!
When: 1:15 PM – 1:45 AM EST
Where: Outside Rep. Mike Kelly’s office, 208 E. Bayfront Parkway, Erie, PA 16507
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Mary Flamini, Local Pro-Life Activist
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Aliquippa, Pennsylvania – Demand Rep. Jason Altmire stand for women, girls and taxpayers!
When: 4:45 PM – 5:15 PM EST
Where: Outside Rep. Jason Altmire’s Office, 2110 McLean St., Aliquippa, PA 15001
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Langhorne, PA – Thank Reps. Mike Fitzpatrick & Patrick Meehan for standing with women and voting to Defund Planned Parenthood!
When: 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM EST
Where:1717 Langhorne Newtown Rd., Langhorne, PA 19047
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Edel Finnegan
– Jennifer Stefano, Co-Chair of Loyal Opposition
– Kathy Gettis, Former Talk Show Host and Pro-Life Activist
– Sandy Slater
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Syracuse, NY – Thank Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle for standing with women and voting to Defund Planned Parenthood!
When: 3:45 PM – 4:15 PM EST
Where: Outside Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle’s Office, 100 South Clinton Street, Syracuse, NY 13261
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Shannon Guy, local pro-life activist
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Watertown, NY – Demand Rep. Bill Owens stand for women, girls and taxpayers!
When: 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM EST
Where: 120 Washington Street, Suite 200 Watertown, NY 13601
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Joan Boulio, LifeRight of Watertown
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Thursday, March 10, 2011
Pawtucket, Rhode Island – Demand Rep. David Cicilline stand for women, girls and taxpayers!
When: 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM EST
Where: Rep. David Cicilline’s Office, 249 Roosevelt Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02860
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Svetlana Gorepaya, Rhode Island Right to Life
– Becky Miller, Education Coordinator, Rhode Island Right to Life
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Manchester, New Hampshire – Thank Rep. Frank Guinta for standing with women and voting to Defund Planned Parenthood!
When: 1:00 – 1:30 PM EST
Where: Outside Rep. Frank Guinta’s Office, 33 Lowell Street, Manchester, NH 03101
Local Speakers Joining Rep. Musgrave and Lila Rose:
– Jennifer Horn, Radio host & pro-life activist
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