
Writer says abortion ban ‘barbaric,’ ignores barbarity of late-term abortions

late-term abortion, D&E Abortion, Go to for facts on abortion

Between the new law in New York and the proposed bill in Virginia, late-term abortion has been in the news a lot over the past few weeks — and abortion advocates have been taking it upon themselves to offer excuses as to why it is necessary. In Utah, one local lawmaker, Rep. Cheryl Acton, is sponsoring a bill that would ban abortions after 15 weeks, which a pro-abortion writer slammed as not just immoral, but “barbaric.”

Teneille Brown is a professor of law and adjunct professor of medical ethics and humanities at the University of Utah. She strongly opposes the law being proposed by Rep. Acton, despite admitting that the brain structures for feeling pain form in preborn children in the first trimester. “But while this brain architecture is necessary for experiencing pain, it is hardly sufficient,” Brown claimed. “The truth is, we have no way of knowing whether fetuses feel pain,” she continued. “Pain is physiological, but it is also subjective…. Just because a 10-week fetus withdraws her finger when poked, this does not mean we can prove she is experiencing pain. There are many things in nature that recoil when pricked with sharp objects. Sponges, for example. And fully grown, adult women. Does that mean that their pain is the same?”

Of course, the idea that the measure of “pain” one feels has any relevance at all as to whether or not it’s acceptable to kill a person is ludicrous. If a doctor purposely overdoses a patient with morphine to kill them, the patient will not feel any pain — but that doesn’t mean it’s any less of a murder, or that such an act should be legal.

READ: Outrageous: Women told there is a ‘moral duty’ to abort children with Down syndrome

In an example of horrifying, gross ableism, Brown also argues that women should be able to have late-term abortions in case they receive a prenatal diagnosis of a disability, claiming that abortion is needed for babies who are not “normal,” and yet it would be tragic for a parent to abort a baby who might — whoops! — actually be “normal.”

“Prenatal genetic testing has drastically improved in the past decade. However, intended parents often have not received the full range of results until closer to 20 weeks’ gestation,” she said. “Will this bill have the unintended consequence of rushing women into a hasty decision to terminate, before they have all the medical information?”

The op-ed concluded with Brown further slamming the bill and reiterating her eugenic mindset. “I do not pretend to have the right answers for what parents should do when confronted with information about a very sick fetus,” she finished. “I imagine it’s a heartbreakingly difficult decision. So for Acton to cavalierly propose this bill, foisting her personal views on the entire population of Utah without having done her basic homework — well, that is truly immoral.”

It’s bizarre that someone could call the lack of late-term abortions barbaric and immoral, when these abortions are exactly that. Watch:


In a dilation and evacuation, or D&E, procedure, which is the most common second trimester abortion procedure, a preborn baby is literally ripped apart limb from torso. It’s something that most people oppose, according to polling agencies like Gallup and Marist. When Americans see the barbarity of abortion, their minds begin to change.

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