
Young mother, ready to abort, chose life thanks to internet search

Women justify abortion for a variety of reasons, but among the most common reason has to do with how having their child will be too difficult. But why would it be too difficult?

online-for-lifeAbortion advocates will say the mother can’t support her child, can’t work and raise a child, can’t go to school and raise a child, can’t raise a child on her own, or she can’t raise a child with special needs because of the challenges. The reasons all focus on why the mother isn’t seen as good enough. Abortion clinic counselors will gladly tell mothers that they aren’t strong enough, and of course, the mothers, emotionally drained from learning of an unexpected pregnancy or unexpected prenatal diagnosis, are feeling insecure and doubting their own strengths and abilities. These abortion providers take advantage of that and benefit from it.

One way crisis pregnancy centers stand apart from abortion clinics is that they actually believe in women. They will help women and families reach their goals and give life to their children. And that’s a beautiful thing.

DeAnn was a young, single mother who had uprooted her life after Hurricane Katrina. Starting over and attending school across the country, she discovered she was pregnant. Confident that the baby’s father loved her, she was shocked when he abandoned her and their child.

Click the image below to watch her story:

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“Once I did tell him that I was pregnant, it was like devastating for him to not accept it, you know, and then it devastated me to be alone again. […] I kinda shut myself out,” DeAnn says in a video from Online for Life. “[…] I just automatically thought, go ahead do it, it’s embarrassing, um, I gotta have an abortion.”

An online search led her to Online for Life, which connects abortion-minded women with pregnancy centers in their local area. DeAnn was introduced to the team at a pregnancy medical center who lifted her spirits and encouraged her.

“It’s funny, because when I called the number it was like the lady knew me, you know, it was like God had her sitting on the other end waiting for me. […] All of my friends that knew me was telling me what I can’t do… but this lady that I didn’t even know, she was just rooting me on and telling me everything I could do,” said DeAnn. “You can still accomplish your dreams. You just have to work harder. It’s not the end of the world. It’s not the end of my life. It’s not like I can’t accomplish my dreams being pregnant and a single mom.”

After visiting with the center staff, DeAnn confidently chose life for her son, a decision she is glad she made.

“That little soul. That little face. Those little eyes… they look at you, or just to know that that’s my son. That I chose life,” said DeAnn. “And he’s here. It was a long journey but we made it.”

Without the positive reinforcement, guidance and support of pregnancy centers, women like DeAnn would be living their lives with regret over abortion instead of celebrating the lives of their children.

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