Protect the Hyde Amendment
STOP the forced taxpayer funding of abortion!
You need to take action and urge your elected officials to STOP taxpayer funds from being used to kill innocent preborn babies!
The Hyde Amendment is a budget “rider” that guarantees taxpayer funds are not directly used for abortion. Since its inception 44 years ago, it has saved the lives of 60,000 preborn children every single year – over 2 million lives in all!
Until now, the amendment has enjoyed wide bipartisan support for decades. But Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion political allies are actively pushing to destroy this life-saving policy.
Repealing the Hyde Amendment is not about “access” to health care, or solving poverty, or ending racism – it’s about building the abortion industry’s power while they profit even more from the killing of preborn children.
Compelling American taxpayers to be directly complicit in the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent preborn babies every year is indefensible.
As pro-life Americans, we must stop this from happening – Take action today to urge your elected officials to save the Hyde Amendment!
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