Add your name to put an end to Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade has made it nearly impossible for states to protect preborn children since 1973, sanctioning the killing of more than 63 million precious babies. But after almost 50 years of Court mandated killing, an end to this murderous madness could finally be in sight.

According to leaked documents, the court is poised to overturn Roe and send the abortion issue to state legislatures to decide. Abortion activists are FURIOUS and vowing to pressure the court to change its mind in the next few weeks.

We must demonstrate to them and every elected official that America is ready to thrive without the violence and malice of Roe v. Wade.

Do you want to see Roe v. Wade overturned? If so, you need to act RIGHT NOW by adding your name to this petition.

The Supreme Court is finalizing their decision, so your time’s running out to add your name and say “No more abortions!” We CANNOT let the radical pro-death lobby convince the Court that they represent YOU.

The Court MUST stop the senseless killing of the innocent.

Take action today. Add your name using the form below to voice your beliefs and help put an end to Roe v. Wade


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