Statement by Lila Rose on third video in Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal
July 28, 2015: With this third investigative video, there can be no further denial from Planned Parenthood that the abortion giant is selling the body parts of the defenseless human beings it kills in its clinics. The latest video shows the horror of abortion and how the doctors callously pick through baby body parts, discussing “intact” and “five-star” kidneys and spinal cords as if a price tag is attached to each.
“From CEO Cecile Richards, down through the ranks, it is clear that Planned Parenthood is engaging in a system-wide enterprise of profiting from the calculated destruction of human life. First, Planned Parenthood sells an abortion for several hundred to thousands of dollars, ending the life of a helpless preborn child. Then Planned Parenthood seeks to maximize its profit by selling the baby’s remains.
Planned Parenthood receives 40 percent of its annual budget from taxpayers, yet there is not one shred of accountability within the organization to end these unethical and illegal practices. These practices are a direct attack on the most basic human rights and Ms. Richards’ only response to the mountain of evidence is to continually lie and mislead the media, elected officials, and the American taxpayer.”
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