Statement from Lila Rose on the latest Planned Parenthood baby parts trafficking video from the Center for Medical Progress:
“How can the country stand by while we commit these atrocities against our own children? Planned Parenthood and NAF abortionists laugh about heads getting stuck and casually discuss the dismemberment of babies, fully formed, at five and six months. Meanwhile, their public defenders in the media and their paid spokespeople claim that the group is committing no wrong, that they are a public health service. How long will we be blind to the brutal destruction of these vulnerable babies?
“Federal law prohibits selling body parts, yet the new footage also reveals more haggling by Planned Parenthood executives. The searing injustice of our time is not the selling of those parts, but the fact that a “doctor” can legally tear apart a fully formed baby, as long as that child remains in his or her mother’s womb.”
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