Sign the petition to tell Tik Tok to stop censoring Live Action

Big Tech is continuing its assault against pro-life speech. In the latest attempt to silence our content, TikTok has banned Live Action from advertising on its platform. TikTok is one of the most popular platforms for Gen Z with the capability of reaching millions of young people every day. On TikTok, Planned Parenthood is allowed to freely run pro-abortion ads to these impressionable young men and women, while Live Action’s ads that save the lives of preborn children have been completely censored. In addition to Live Action’s reach appears to be largely throttled and, our founder and President, Lila Rose, was also recently BANNED from the platform.

Live Action is the only pro-life organization with a large following on TikTok. Our work in spreading the truth about abortion to young men and women is VITAL on that platform specifically. The longer we are not able to expand our reach on TikTok, the more lives will be lost to abortion.

Fight back against Big Tech censorship. Sign the petition and tell TikTok to free Live Action’s advertising account and end pro-life censorship.


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