Planned Parenthood likes to claim it is not focused on abortion, despite the fact that its abortionists commit well over one-third of all abortions reported nationally. As Live Action’s newest video shows, politicians who support Planned Parenthood rarely discuss the abortion focus of America’s Abortion Corporation either.
In addition to Planned Parenthood’s focus on abortion, its abortion numbers are on the rise, both nationally and in specific states.
Let’s take a look at the national numbers:
According to stats published by the Guttmacher Institute, which gathers abortion totals from more available data than the CDC does, in 2011, approximately 1.06 million abortions were reported nationwide. Planned Parenthood’s annual report for 2011 reveals that they did 31.5 percent (333,964) of US abortion procedures that year. But even though nationally reported abortions dropped substantially by 2014, Planned Parenthood’s percentage of overall abortion numbers is on the increase:

Planned Parenthood abortion total 2014
Guttmacher reports that in 2014, there were approximately 926,200 abortions nationwide. Yet Planned Parenthood’s annual report reveals that the abortion business accounted for nearly 34.9 percent (323,999) of abortions that year. At the same time abortions decreased 12 percent nationally (from 2011-2014), Planned Parenthood’s market share of reported abortions had increased by more than 10 percent (from 31.5 to 34.9 percent).
Despite these undeniable statistics, America’s Abortion Corporation — and its political allies — would have women believe that abortion is just a small percentage of what they do.
Let’s take a look at the state numbers:
Abortion reporting laws vary from state to state. Some states do not require any reporting, while others require detailed information whenever an abortion performed. In states that publish the numbers of abortions by facility, Planned Parenthood’s percentage of overall abortions reveal that its clear business focus is abortion.
As of January 2017, Planned Parenthood operates 40% of the licensed abortion facilities in the state of Alabama. State stats reveal that, in 2014, 8,080 abortions were reported in Alabama. Nearly 17 percent of those abortions — 1,342 — were performed at a Planned Parenthood facility. But according to 2015 stats, Planned Parenthood centers performed almost 25 percent (1,458 out of 5,899) of the reported abortions reported. So in the same year that abortions decreased in Alabama by an incredible 27 percent (down to 5,899 from 8,080), Planned Parenthood committed an additional eight percent of the state’s abortions.
In 2015, there were a total of 7,957 abortions reported in the state of Indiana, according to statistics published by the Indiana State Health Department. Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in the state performed almost 66 percent (5,234) of the state’s abortions. This reflected an increase of five percent from 2014, when Planned Parenthood’s percentage of the state’s reported abortions was almost 61 percent (4,930 out of 8,118.) Currently, Planned Parenthood operates four out of the six abortion facilities licensed in Indiana.
The Minnesota Star Tribune recently pointed out that Planned Parenthood performs half of the state’s reported abortions. The actual percentage is 51 percent. According to the report, “Of the 9,861 abortions recorded by the Minnesota Health Department in 2015, more than half — 5,048 — were performed at a Planned Parenthood clinic.” This is a slight increase from 2014 numbers when 4,981 (49 percent) out of 10,123 abortions were performed at Minnesota Planned Parenthoods. So, while abortions in Minnesota decreased by almost three percent, Planned Parenthood abortions were on the increase.
Interestingly enough, the paper goes on to state that only one of Planned Parenthood’s 18 Minnesota clinics provides abortion services. Tribune reporter Jennifer Brooks seemed to indicate that this would vindicate Planned Parenthood and prove that the organization is all about health care. But what it actually shows is that Planned Parenthood has become extraordinarily efficient in routing abortion-minded customers to its own centers via “abortion referrals,” no matter where its main abortion hub is located within a state. As for the center that performs abortions, it is listed as a grantee recipient of federal dollars through Title X.

Induced abortions in Minnesota, 2015
Reported induced abortions in the state of Virginia reveal that in 2015, Planned Parenthood’s share of the overall abortion numbers was nearly 40 percent. In 2015, there were 18,662 induced abortions reported to the Virginia Department of Health. This was a decrease of almost eight percent from 2014 when 20,187 abortions were reported in the state. Even though the state’s total number of reported abortions decreased overall for 2015, Planned Parenthood’s portion of the state’s abortion numbers increased by over nine percent from the previous year — from 6,623 in 2014 to almost 7,246 in 2015. Thus, Planned Parenthood’s percentage of abortions in Virginia rose from nearly 33 percent in 2014 to almost 39 percent in 2015.

Planned Parenthood performed almost 39 percent of Virginia abortions in 2015.
As these examples from four states demonstrate, abortions are increasing at many Planned Parenthood centers across the country. Live Action has documented how the abortion chain masquerades as a health care provider, but, in reality, is anything but focused on general “health care.”
Pass the truth on to your own elected officials, and make sure they know the real facts about Planned Parenthood’s abortion promotion.