
‘Girl Meets World’ star, meet the truth: Planned Parenthood is no friend to teens

Parents may recognize the name Rowan Blanchard. She’s the breakout star of Disney’s show, “Girl Meets World,” the sequel to the massively popular 90s sitcom “Boy Meets World.” The show is geared towards the tween set, and Blanchard herself is only 14. But parents might be disturbed to find that Blanchard was featured in Paper Magazine’s “Girl Crush” feature, chatting with Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards.

Planned Parenthood has, unsurprisingly, been pushing the interview hard, both on Twitter:

And on Facebook:

Sunday reading recommendation:

Posted by Planned Parenthood Action on Sunday, February 21, 2016

In the interview, Blanchard gushed about Richards and Planned Parenthood, talking about how much the organization has done for “sexual health” and women’s rights.

Richards: I’m curious about people your age, because it’s so important that we move and change to be there for young people. What is it you feel that they need from Planned Parenthood? Or what do they need in their life that Planned Parenthood could actually be there for?

Blanchard: Like I said before, it does feel like when we talk about sexual health in girls, especially girls that are teens, that are still figuring out their bodies and all of these new things, it’s so shameful. People seriously shame them for it. Girls are getting their first periods, and immediately it’s an embarrassing thing that you just want to hide, rather than being a normal thing that you talk about. And now that you guys have such a big social media influence, I think that has definitely affected that. Because people have access to the Internet, especially teens.

And so it’s easier to go on the Planned Parenthood website and check under the facts, like, “Is this normal?” because often times it can be embarrassing. I was raised in a household where I can ask my parents things and it’s not embarrassing, but I didn’t realize until recently that a lot of kids can’t do that, because it’s embarrassing for them. So I think your impact on the Internet has had a huge effect on people my age, because it’s anonymous and it’s safe.

Planned Parenthood is no friend to young girls. They’re also not a good source for teenage girls to go to for sexual education. One of Live Action’s investigations, SexEd, found Planned Parenthood counselors giving young girls dangerous and harmful advice.


Counselors promoted violent sexual practices, including torture sex, to teenage girls, as well as other disturbing practices like playing with feces and drinking urine. Would Blanchard consider that advice that is suitable for young girls? Back to the interview…

Blanchard: When I name my role models, it’s women like you and women like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and people like that who have really taken something and driven it forward. Who inspired you when you were my age?

Richards: Well my mom [former Governor of Texas, Ann Richards] definitely did — she and a lot of women of her generation who were in the public sphere. Another woman who doesn’t get enough recognition is Barbara Jordan. She was a congresswoman from Houston, Texas and was one of the first prominent African-American leaders in Congress…. Now, I think, I’m mostly inspired by the young women I see who didn’t have any of the advantages and privilege that I did growing up of having a family that was totally supportive. I was just thinking of this young woman Sadie Hernandez, who is a college student in Texas and who held her own protest outside the Governor’s Mansion when Planned Parenthood was cut out of the breast cancer screening program – which I can’t even believe I’m saying those words. The thought that anyone would want to not let women get breast cancer screening is incredible — but Sadie really just took it on herself, she didn’t have a lot of support…

Well, first, it’s not that people “want to not let women get breast cancer screening” – it’s that they believe that funding should go to healthcare facilities that provide those services without abortion. And it’s laughable that Richards specifically brought up breast cancer screenings. Richards has repeatedly claimed that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms — even though it’s a flat-out lie.

Mammosham: Planned Parenthood fact-checks Planned Parenthood.Before Congress, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards admitted that the abortion business has never provided mammograms, despite popular opinion and previous claims by Planned Parenthood.

Posted by Live Action on Thursday, October 1, 2015

In addition to the mammogram lie, there’s the simple reality that Planned Parenthood itself has, thanks to Cecile Richards, made women’s health less and less of a priority over the years in favor of abortion. Breast exams, breast health care, cancer screenings, pap smears, and prenatal care have all plummeted under Richards, while abortions have skyrocketed. In fact, Planned Parenthood provides breast exams to less than 1% of American women, yet Richards is talking about how horrified she was that people would try to keep women from getting breast cancer screenings. (I guess it’s not so bad if she’s the one doing it, right?)

It’s really unfortunate that Blanchard was shilling for Planned Parenthood so much, especially on the issue of sexual health and education for teenagers. Live Action investigations have found that on both of these fronts, Planned Parenthood fails miserably. Planned Parenthood routinely covered up the sexual abuse of children, refusing to report the crimes of their abusers to police.


Another Live Action investigation found that Planned Parenthood covered up sex trafficking of children.


While Live Action’s detractors are eager to attempt to discredit the investigations, there are some facts that consistently get left out. There is no deceptive editing, as the full, unedited footage has always been made available. And sadly, these things haven’t happened solely in our investigations. A few examples: A Philadelphia Planned Parenthood got caught covering up the rape of girls as young as 11 years old. 41-year-old Adam Gault kidnapped a teenager, raped and impregnated her, and took her to Planned Parenthood, where they performed an abortion and then gave her back to Gault. A California girl was only 13 when she became pregnant after her stepfather raped her. He took her to Planned Parenthood, who performed an abortion and didn’t report the crime. Planned Parenthood has also been sued by two teenagers, independently of each other, because they were both raped, and Planned Parenthood did not report the crime.

Blanchard is only 14, yet she has clearly been indoctrinated to see Planned Parenthood as a societal source of good from somewhere. How would she feel if she knew all of this? Would she still encourage her fellow teenagers to go there, knowing they cover up rape and aid sex traffickers, or that they eschew health care for women in favor of abortion?

We can only hope that if Blanchard knew the truth, she would feel differently.

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