Hillary Clinton has consistently found ways to portray herself as the defender of Planned Parenthood. A recent article on her website continues this trend, and sheds light on just how unwilling Clinton is to set aside clichés and talk about the real issues.
“Hillary has always stood with Planned Parenthood—and always will,” the article begins. Unfortunately, this statement is true. Hillary has repeatedly refused to discuss Planned Parenthood’s illegal actions, other than to dismiss the evidence with predictably empty phrases, shifting blame to those who seek to find the truth through investigations and justice through defunding.
In the opening paragraph, the article states:
This week, following a horrific attack on a clinic in Colorado Springs, the Senate voted to defund Planned Parenthood. Today, Planned Parenthood is coming together in a national day of solidarity, to remember the victims of the attack and take a stand against efforts to limit women’s access to affordable and safe health care. Hillary is proud to stand with them—today, and every day.
The attack in Colorado Springs was indeed horrific, and pro-life leaders across the nation have universally condemned such violence. It is sad to see Clinton turning a national tragedy into an opportunity to gain political points. It is disappointing to see her use the violent acts of a crazed gunman to demonize the views of peaceful pro-lifers.
Beyond that, the phrase “efforts to limit women’s access to affordable and safe health care” is blatantly misleading. Despite what Clinton and Planned Parenthood would have us believe, many pro-lifers seek to improve women’s health care options by redirecting taxpayer money from Planned Parenthood to comprehensive health care clinics, which far outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities, and can offer women’s health services which Planned Parenthood cannot.
The article goes on to list 17 times Hillary stood with Planned Parenthood. In many of the examples, Clinton relies on emotional reasoning or straw man arguments to make her points. But in #17, we truly see Clinton’s extreme pro-abortion ideology laid bare:
“This really isn’t complicated. When you attack Planned Parenthood, you attack women’s health, and when you attack women’s health, you attack America’s health.”
August 4, 2015
So we see that Hillary Clinton not only obscures the real issue that half the country has with Planned Parenthood: abortion, but claims that those who disagree with this one organization are attacking the health of the entire nation.
As expected, the article contributes little to the discussion, other than to blindly canonize Planned Parenthood and vilify pro-lifers.