Over 35,000 people have signed a petition calling for an end to the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain. Signers of Live Action’s petition to defund Planned Parenthood are outraged not only that their hard-earned dollars are financing the killing of millions of preborn children in the womb each year, but also that taxpayers are forced to fund a corporation riddled with deception, criminal offenses, and abuse.
While Planned Parenthood projects itself as a proponent of women’s health, undercover investigations by Live Action reveal abuses against women and children ubiquitous within the abortion corporation. The organization’s grievous handling of the hard-earned dollars of Americans proves that the abortion giant is undeserving of taxpayer monies.
Live Action investigations have unearthed numerous abuses within Planned Parenthood, including the cover-up of statutory rape, the aiding and abetting of sex-traffickers, the willingness to abort children solely based on sex, and providing women with medical misinformation. The abortion giant has also lobbied for infanticide and has repeatedly lied to media, patients, and taxpayers regarding the scope of services provided at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities.
Live Action’s latest investigation, SexEd, details the abortion giant’s dangerous sexology for kids. Exposés reveal staffers coaching investigators posing as teenage girls on how to experiment with risky sexual practices, including violent sexual behavior popularized by the erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey.
“Planned Parenthood is first and foremost an abortion business,” said Lila Rose, president of Live Action. “But Planned Parenthood and its allies will say almost anything to try and cover up that fact and preserve its taxpayer funding.”
Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar corporation, raking in over 1.5 million taxpayer dollars every day. Roughly 45 percent of its $1.2-billion annual budget comes from government funding. Planned Parenthood received over half of a billion dollars in forced taxpayer funding last year, along with an additional $75 million allocated under the Affordable Care Act.
Not only has Planned Parenthood filled its coffers with billions of dollars, but the corporation’s close ties with members of the White House and state houses have enforced the corporation as an organization with tremendous political clout.
According to Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report for 2013-2014, the organization committed 327,653 abortions that year. The average low-estimate price for an abortion at Planned Parenthood is $451 per procedure, which accounts for roughly $150 million in annual revenue for the corporation.