Sometimes, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. The first three videos below show – in a beautiful, life-celebrating way – why abortion is wrong. They demonstrate exactly what, or more accurately who, abortion takes from us.
The last two videos share Jocelyn’s and Dr. Levatino’s stories. Jocelyn helps us put a face to the women (and men) who are also damaged – sometimes irreparably – by abortion. And Dr. Levatino helps us face the medical facts about abortion, something he deeply understands from first-hand experience.
1) Hey Mom and Dad
Hey Mom and DadCheck out this new awesome video that was just made for us! Go ahead and click ‘Share’ to spread this pro-life message with your friends!
Posted by Save The Storks on Tuesday, April 14, 2015
“How Some Kids With a Van are Changing the Pro-Life Movement” tells the not-to-be-missed story of David Pomerantz – a vegan, emo kid of sorts and founder of Save the Storks – who wants to see every child experience a lifetime. As Kristen Hatten wrote for Live Action News:
Here’s what happens: a woman is walking up to an abortion clinic. She is approached by Dave or Daryl or another member of Save the Storks.
“Hi, how are you? Would you like a free ultrasound?”
This is the approach. … Just an offer of free help from a non-threatening, friendly, smiling young person.. …
So now this woman, who was going to go into an abortion clinic, is able to have a pregnancy test and a sonogram without ever reaching its doors.
But what happens now? She’s heard, “Yes, you’re pregnant! You’re this far along! There’s your baby! Here’s his heartbeat!”
So what does she hear next? “Good luck with that?”
Nope. Save the Storks is directly connected to Get Involved for Life and the two pregnancy centers it operates in Dallas, one uptown and one downtown. Also, needless to say, any expectant mother will be welcomed by whatever pregnancy center is closest to the bus at the time. The Stork team is prepared to call a cab for the mother if she needs a ride.
In other words, unlike the abortion clinic, the Storks and the pregnancy centers are in it for the long haul. They are going to get her what she needs to take care of herself and her baby, body and soul.
2) 4D ‘Window to the Womb’ Footage – at various ages
Amazing Footage of Life in the WombWOW. Check out these 4D ultrasounds videos. Life is a miracle!
Posted by Pro-Life Wisconsin on Thursday, August 27, 2015
3) “My birth mom didn’t make a mistake” – the story behind the song, “Everything to Me”
To see the music video for “Everything to Me,” go here. (And yes, it’s every bit as amazing as you could imagine.) While you’re at it, check out “Just Another Birthday,” too.
4) A former abortion doctor – Dr. Anthony Levatino – in a ‘tell-all’ about abortion
What really happens during a D&E abortion procedure? Former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, tells members of Congress the truth, and includes an investigation from Live Action as part of his testimony.
Posted by Live Action on Saturday, October 10, 2015
5) #WomenBetrayed (and men, too): Jocelyn’s Story
#WomenBetrayed: Jocelyn’s StoryPlanned Parenthood is betraying women like Jocelyn who suffered so much trauma during her abortion that she is unable to endure a visit to the dentist. Enough is enough. We must stop funding of Planned Parenthood now.Posted by Students for Life of America on Monday, September 28, 2015