1. Planned Parenthood does NOT do mammograms. (omg!)
During the 2012 presidential election, the issue of Planned Parenthood offering mammograms came to a head, and Planned Parenthood turned out to be the lying team once again. Check out Live Action’s Mammosham project HERE. Live Action president Lila Rose summed it up well, saying:
Planned Parenthood is first and foremost an abortion business, but Planned Parenthood and its allies will say almost anything to try and cover up that fact and preserve its taxpayer funding. It’s not surprising that an organization found concealing statutory rape and helping child sex traffickers would misrepresent its own services so brazenly, playing on women’s fears in order to protect their tax dollars.
2. Planned Parenthood does abortions.
What? You say, Planned Parenthood does abortions?! Yes, friends, it’s true. This turns out to be a little-known fact among young people, which is ironic given that Planned Parenthood’s most highly-targeted demographic is the very group of people who don’t know about the abortion biz within Planned Parenthood. Although more than 50% of Planned Parenthood’s abortions are done on teenagers and college-aged women, Students for Life of America reports that at least 60% of college students do not know that Planned Parenthood commits abortions. Students for Life is working hard to change that fact with its Planned Parenthood Project on college campuses across the nation.
3. Planned Parenthood commits 392 abortions for every one adoption referral it makes.
So much for “pro-choice.” Wouldn’t that involve…well…offering choices? Choices are bad for business over at Planned Parenthood, which unlike abortion, doesn’t benefit financially from an adoption referral. And that might explain why the business is so slow to proffer the adoption option. We all know that where there is no blood money, there is usually no Planned Parenthood. Source: Planned Parenthood annual report.
4. Planned Parenthood receives over a million dollars of your money – every. Single. Day.
Did you know that one of the surest ways to close PP’s doors is to extirpate its tax funding? Planned Parenthood is so reliant on government revenue, in fact, that taking it away would cut Planned Parenthood income by almost half. According to STOPP:
Planned Parenthood’s 2010 annual report underscores its growing reliance on government funding. Elimination of that funding will result in the collapse of the abortion giant. Government funding for Planned Parenthood must be attacked on local, state, and federal levels.
5. Planned Parenthood still receives funding from the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
It’s no secret that Planned Parenthood likes to bully its way into coffers around the nation, and the Susan G. Komen Foundation was no exception. Buckling under the pressure, Komen reneged on its short-lived decision to bar Planned Parenthood from funding while the organization was under Congressional investigation.
To fully comprehend the scope of this lunacy (that is, of funding Planned Parenthood), consider these two facts: Planned Parenthood does not do mammograms, which help to reduce breast cancer by providing early detection of potential problems, and Planned Parenthood does commit abortions, which increase a woman’s susceptibility to the condition.