NOW or the National Organization for Women protested Live Action President Lila Rose’s speech in Indianapolis, Indiana earlier this week with a message of hate. One sign in particular read, “95% of women HATE Lila”. You can see the 16 protesters that assembled below:
Who would have ever thought that the National Organization for WOMEN would be protesting with a message about how much they “HATE” a particular woman? Is that really the advocacy for women message that they want to run with? Then again, they lost their credibility as anything more than a pro-abortion organization many years ago.
Here is a picture of Lila from the previous time she spoke in Indiana:
Below is a screen-shot of the Indiana NOW’s web-page asking people to go and protest Lila.
Their reason for protesting? And I quote:
Please view Lila’s website. It will be the impetus you need to attend this pro-choice protest.
We hope you view our website too! The homepage can be found here.