
Washington Times: Late-term abortion really does rip babies to pieces

In a debate just prior to the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump echoed the sentiments of millions of Americans by objecting to late-term abortions. Trump claimed that in such cases abortionists would “take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” concluding, “You can say that that’s okay, and Hillary can say that that’s okay, but it’s not okay with me.”

Of course, the mainstream media was quick to pounce on the chance to mock Trump’s assertions. While then-candidate Trump could arguably have chosen his words better, the facts seem to indicate that in one way or another, he was on to something.

A Washington Times article published June 20, 2017, draws attention to the reality of late-term abortions, both in their existence and their brutality.

To their existence, as the article highlights, Priests for Life and Abortion Free New Mexico have released a series of undercover phone calls, intended to educate the public about the reality of late-term abortions. In one of these calls, an abortion worker can be heard scheduling the abortion of a healthy baby at 30 weeks. In another call, an abortion worker assures a caller that she will be able to abort her baby at 33 weeks — and have Medicaid cover the cost. Here’s what an abortion at 30-33 weeks would likely entail, according to former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino. (Note: At times, a D&E abortion procedure may be used to complete a third trimester abortion.)

To their brutality, an undercover video released this year shows abortionists describing procedures in their own words. Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, the director of abortion services at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, explained:

If I’m doing a procedure, and I’m seeing that I’m in fear that it’s about to come to the umbilicus [navel], I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix and pull off a leg or two, so it’s not PBA [partial-birth abortion].

Talcott Camp, the deputy director of the ACLU’s Reproductive Health Freedom Project, added:

 I’m like — Oh my God! I get it! When the skull is broken, that’s really sharp! I get it! I understand why people are talking about getting that skull out, that calvarium.

Dr. Susan Robinson, a Planned Parenthood abortionist, admitted:

The fetus is a tough little object, and taking it apart, I mean, taking it apart on Day One is very difficult.

These are just a few of the many revealing quotes from the video. Pro-life activist Tara Shaver, who was involved in the New Mexico undercover investigation, concluded, “The myth that late-term abortions only occur when a woman’s life is at risk or when the baby has been diagnosed with an anomaly could not be farther from the truth.”

The majority of Americans do not support late-term abortions, and do not support taxpayer dollars being used towards late-term abortions. Perhaps the mainstream media should report on that.

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