Fighting abortion isn’t easy. Every day there are new assaults on pro-lifers — from NARAL’s recent attack on pregnancy help centers to vocal abortion supporters on social media who are cruel and rude enough to send anti-abortion introverts into hiding. But saving the lives of the preborn is too important and urgent a task to keep quiet. How can we end abortion?
Even if you aren’t up to sidewalk counseling, or if you are unable to attend events or publicly speak out against abortion, there are ways you can help end abortion right from your living room.
1. Write.
If you’re a blogger, blog about abortion. If not, you can use your keyboard to contact politicians and let them know that you support defunding Planned Parenthood. You can also email or call your local politicians about any upcoming pro-life bills he or she may be voting on.
Don’t know what to say? Visit the Facebook page or website of your local right to life group, and they may have a pre-written letter ready to go for you to sign and send.
You should also be on the lookout for pro-life petitions, including one to defund Planned Parenthood, that often circulates on social media. With the click of a button, you can help further pro-life efforts and change abortion laws.
2. Share.
Sharing is caring, so head over to all the social media sites and start following Live Action: We’re on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Then start sharing articles, images, and abortion-related information that shows your friends (and the people who care about what you say) why ending abortion matters.
Just a click, and you can show them what a preborn child looks like at different stages of pregnancy or why choosing life in the most difficult situations is still possible. Women have often chosen life, even while sitting in the waiting room of an abortion facility, after reading another woman’s shared Facebook story about choosing life. Women have literally remembered seeing the term “abortion reversal” on Facebook, and have saved their own children because of it. You could absolutely save a life just by clicking share.
3. Shop.
Shopping has never been easier thanks to Amazon, and the best part is you can donate to pro-life causes like Live Action when you shop. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Live Action. Just choose Live Action as your charity of choice and shop — but don’t forget to bookmark and make your purchases there.
4. Pray.
Even if you can’t join 40 Days for Life in praying outside of abortion facilities, you can pray from home to end abortion. Priests for Life offers a specific prayer you can use. If you are Catholic, you can also pray the rosary. If you are Evangelical, you may be able to form a prayer group at your church. You may want to start a prayer journal or have informal prayer get-togethers with your friends. Pray for pro-abortion politicians to have a change of mind and pray for mothers who are currently sitting in abortion facilities to have a change of heart.
5. Donate.
Pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood are wealthy organizations. They are able to employ countless people to work to further abortion and convince people that killing children in the womb is perfectly acceptable and should even be celebrated. Pro-life groups like Live Action rely on donations to keep up the fight against abortion. Live Action works every day to expose the abortion industry and to shift public opinion against the killing of preborn children. You can make their work possible by clicking here:
No matter what your talents or skills, you can help make abortion unthinkable — even from your couch.