In October, the pro-abortion ACLU fought for an illegal immigrant teen, Jane Doe, to obtain an abortion in Texas. Not only did the ACLU lie about the timeline of the girls abortion, according to the Department of Justice, but the abortion was not in the best interest of the teen after all, as she is now seeking mental health treatment. Who knows how much more mental suffering she will now endure the result of her unnecessary and tragic abortion, pushed forward by the ACLU?
Research and countless personal testimonies from post-abortive women demonstrate that abortion does not solve a woman’s problems. Yet the ACLU continues to pretend it is fighting for the best interests of immigrants as it pushes abortion on more vulnerable young women.
Two More Women, Two More Abortions
Mere months after messy court battles and lying to the court in the process, the ACLU is seeking abortions for two more immigrant teens to have abortions. One is about 10-weeks pregnant, while the other is more than halfway through her pregnancy at about 22-weeks, when medical science has conclusively shown her child can feel pain. If given proper treatment and care, the child may even would likely be able to survive outside of the womb.
As the Associated Press reported, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan ruled on December 18 that the undocumented minors have a “right” to an abortion which the Trump administration cannot interfere with. Chutkan came to the same decision when ruling on the case of the first immigrant, Jane Doe.
While the Trump administration initially planned to appeal Chutkan’s most recent ruling, they dropped the appeal after discovering the young woman who was 22-weeks pregnant was not actually a minor, but was 19-years old. The administration’s policy only applies to minor girls, not adult women. However, the immigrant woman’s age makes little difference when it comes to the true nature of abortion and what happens to the child.
A Violent D&E Abortion — Only Available at 22 Weeks in Seven Countries, Including the U.S.
The 22-week-old child can surely feel pain, and likely has for weeks — possibly even as early as the first trimester. The innocent victim in this embattled court case — the -preborn child — will likely be aborted through the D&E abortion procedure. Also known as dismemberment abortion, a D&E literally rips a child limb from limb and the child “bleeds to death.” Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist who used to perform D&E, explains the procedure in the animated video below:
An abortion will put the immigrant woman’s own health and life at risk. Abortion at all stages of pregnancy carries with it a whole host of physical and psychological issues. Women who undergo late-term abortions are also more likely to get subsequent late-term abortions, putting themselves at risk all over again.
The ACLU complained in a statement to CNN of a “dystopian policy” by the Trump administration and swore “justice for every Jane” who is an immigrant. However, the true nature of how abortion ends the life of an innocent preborn child and risks the health and safety of the mother means that the ACLU is doing anything but providing “justice.” They are inflicting violence and snuffing out the lives and futures of those who come to America for a new life.
Moreover, the real “dystopian policy” is how the United States is one of just seven nations in the world which allows for elective late-term abortions past 20-weeks. Perhaps that is why these young immigrant women — and who knows how many more — are coming over to the U.S. and asking for late-term abortions, a concern the Trump administration has raised. A 20-week abortion ban has already passed the U.S. House of Representatives and has been introduced in the U.S. Senate. The ban is expected to pass in January 2018.
Life in Limbo
In the case of the 17-year old who is 10-weeks along, a stay application has been filed. As Politico reports:
In the stay application the Trump administration filed with the Supreme Court on Monday night, Solicitor General Noel Francisco said the other girl “is only about 10 weeks pregnant” and efforts to find a sponsor who could take her out of federal custody could be completed within two weeks.
This young woman’s preborn child is no less a human being than the child of the 19-year old who is 22-weeks along. While a preborn child can feel pain by 20-weeks, research shows that they even feel it as early as the first trimester, which this child has almost completed. Further, at 10 weeks a preborn child has a heartbeat, can suck and swallow, and already has her own unique fingerprints. From the earliest moment of conception, science tells us that a new, unique human being has come into her own existence.
Trump Administration Files for U.S. Supreme Court’s Intervention
The ruling and ultimate fates of these three young women and their innocent children are tragic examples of the havoc wreaked by abortion on demand. The Trump administration is working to stop the ACLU’s pursuit of injustice for immigrant girls, asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case and block the ACLU from circumventing federal policy. Discussing the matter will be the first private conference of the new year for the justices, as reported by the Constitution Center. On January 5, 2018, the justices will decide whether to grant review in this case.
The Trump administration has so far only argued against the government playing a role in obtaining abortions for the young women. Yet, that is far from the only issue. As the Constitution Center noted, there is a larger, more important question:
[There] is the basic question that the Administration has so far not addressed: do those young women have a right to an abortion at all? Arguing only against facilitating abortions, the Administration has not given its own view on the more important constitutional question even though Texas and 10 other states have made repeated efforts to get three federal courts to rule that, as illegal entrants to the U.S. with no more tie to this country than the fact that they are detained by the government, the young immigrants have no constitutional rights, including no right to an abortion.
The ACLU’s pursuit of abortions for immigrants who enter illegally is also a pursuit of taxpayer involvement in abortion — something that is hugely unpopular in the U.S. However, regardless of the immigration status of these women, the fact remains that every preborn child is a human being who deserves a right to life. The supposed right to abortion must be completely dismantled, as no mother — American or otherwise — should have the right to violently end her child’s life.
If the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately decides to hear the case filed by the Trump administration, the question of government-aided abortion for immigrant girls may be settled before the beginning of next summer. Such a decision could not come soon enough, as the lives of countless preborn children and the well-being of their mothers depend on it.