Human Interest

We’re thankful for those helping to change hearts and minds about life

pro-lifers, Thanksgiving, pro-life sidewalk counselors

Live Action News has much to be thankful for in 2018, but this Thanksgiving, we are thankful for the many lives saved through the work of pro-life advocates who work tirelessly to defend preborn children and assist mothers and fathers.

Thanks to pro-life advocates, 1) women experiencing unplanned pregnancies have received support and resources so they don’t have to choose between their children and their futures, 2) people who previously supported abortion began to support life, and 3) countless lives have been saved. Here are just a few things we’ve seen this year about the work of pro-lifers on a larger scale.

This story features a pro-lifer who helped to save approximately 500 preborn babies:

READ: New website helps pro-lifers direct women to alternatives to Planned Parenthood

The Susan B. Anthony List announced in October that 40 Days for life has seen nearly 15,000 babies saved through the efforts of praying pro-lifers:

Image: SBA List on how many babies saved by 40 Days for Life (Image: Twitter)

SBA List on how many babies saved by 40 Days for Life (Image: Twitter)

Here’s a video about these babies from 40 Days for Life:

Care Net pregnancy centers report that in the past ten years, 677, 428 lives have been saved through the work of their facilities! Amazing.

Image: CareNet PRCs save babies from abortion (Image: Facebook)

CareNet PRCs save babies from abortion (Image: Facebook)

READ: Thanks to pro-lifers, closed abortion facility becomes free medical clinic

Pro-life group Human Coalition reported in September that through its pro-life outreach, 10,000 babies have been saved:

Image: Human Coalition saves 1000 babies from abortion (Image Twitter)

Human Coalition saves 1000 babies from abortion (Image Twitter)

Abortion pill reversal is another pro-life outreach that has seen lives saved — so far, over 500:

Image: Abortion Pill Reversal Saves Lives (Image: Live Action News)

Abortion Pill Reversal Saves Lives (Image: Live Action News)

READ: Here’s how pro-lifers are on the ground in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

So many more are working to save lives, and those featured here are just a small handful. These pro-lifers’ sacrifices of time, their prayers, their activism, and their financial assistance are priceless. Because of them — because of YOU — many lives have been saved from the horrors of abortion in 2018.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving, from Live Action News.

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