Abortion advocates often speak of late-term abortion as something that is akin to a myth; people don’t undergo an abortion in the third trimester, they claim. But testimony given by late-term abortionist Dr. Carol Portmann at a hearing in Brisbane, Australia, proves that argument wrong. She spoke about the circumstances under which she would do late-term abortions, saying, “Basically, for a late termination of pregnancy you just do not induce a baby: you must do a procedure where the baby passes away.”
Portmann unhesitatingly uses the term “baby” to describe the children she aborts. She is under no delusions that the preborn child is not a human baby. Other abortionists have also admitted that they kill “human beings.”
The “procedure where the baby passes away” in a late-term abortion is an injection of the poison digoxin straight into the child’s heart. This is what kills the baby. The mother, who has had her cervix dilated for two days, then labors and gives birth to a dead child. If she does not go into labor, the procedure becomes a dilation and evacuation, or D&E, where the abortionist will dismember the baby’s body and remove it piece by piece.
READ: Abortion is violent and the photos are real, says late-term abortionist
Dr. Anthony Levatino describes this type of abortion:
Portmann goes on to say:
If we are talking about a late termination, then it also means you would want to have an evaluation of that person’s social and psychiatric well-being. If there is something wrong with the baby, then you need to be sure that what is wrong with the baby has an absolutely certain outcome. That takes time. Our feeling about it as well is that it is not something that you would choose to do at 39½ weeks with a woman in labour. One of the things we counsel a person is that, if our decision with you is not made before you go into labour, then we are not doing the procedure.
Portmann apparently draws the line at committing abortions during the process of labor at full term, implying that any time prior to the onset of labor, Portmann will commit the abortion. Until a child is about to be born, aborting the baby is something Portmann is willing to do.
Portmann did not say in her testimony how many third trimester babies she kills, but it is clear that this kind of horrifying abortion is real, it happens, and it should be disturbing to any who value life.