You’ll remember Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown student who testified that “without insurance coverage, contraception can coast a woman over $3,000 during law school.” And you’ll remember that that same Sandra Fluke addressed the Democratic National Convention. But it seems that Fluke, who has spoken out in favor of the HHS birth control mandate, can’t draw a crowd. reports that Fluke spoke at a Sak N’ Save in Reno, Nevada. The Reno Gazette-Journal says the appearance was “in front of about 10 people.” Fluke told listeners, “I’m trying to do everything I can for an election that I feel is very important. I have a unique opportunity for how I get to do that.” LifeSiteNews says Fluke has stumped for President Obama in Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Florida.
Fox News reports that the Reno Gazette-Journal thought the appearance deserved more than 500 words of newsprint on Saturday. The headline read, “Fluke pushes early voting in Reno.” According to the newspaper, Fluke continued her efforts to promote President Obama’s health care overhaul.
You’ll remember the controversy surrounding Fluke earlier this year when conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh called Fluke a “slut” after she spoke to House Democrats on Capitol Hill. (Author’s note: Rush went too far.) LifeSiteNews notes that Fluke is often portrayed as a victim as she tries to win support for free contraceptive coverage. However, during her appearance in Reno, Fluke told her audience, “I get people writing to me and things like that. I haven’t had any negative in-person situations, thank goodness.”