Human Interest

Neighborhood hosts unique ‘socially distanced’ baby shower for dedicated postal worker

baby shower

A neighborhood community in San Jose, California, recognized their postal worker last week by celebrating the upcoming arrival of her baby girl. Keeping up with coronavirus restrictions, the community decorated their houses, tree trunks, and doorways with pink flowers, bows, and ribbons to show their support and share in the joy of a new life. The non-traditional baby shower included gifts, balloons, and sweet messages thanking the postal worker for her dedication throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and sharing well wishes for her and her new baby.

Good News Movement shared the story on Facebook and noted that this is the worker’s fourth child:

(San Jose, California): A neighborhood rallied together to surprise their beloved postal worker Nanh with a baby…

Posted by Good News Movement on Thursday, July 16, 2020

Community resident Volkmar Frinken told ABC7 News, “It’s an exhausting job, walking around here, carrying the mail, and it’s not easy for her.” Lauren Garcia, another resident, commented, “She took that extra effort and made it out to everybody’s house every single day, when all of us were even scared to kind of come out of our houses.”  Resident Somaye Rasouli noted, “I think that having the atmosphere and the vibe in the neighborhood – that was also very joyful for us.”


“We didn’t do this with the intention of sending a message,” resident, Volkmar Frinken said. “We just wanted to make her day a bit brighter.”

Celebrating the life and hard work of this essential worker as well as the life of her preborn child embody the heart behind the pro-life movement, and supporting her with baby gifts and emotional encouragement in spite of a pandemic models the attitude we should all strive for.

Back in May, Ohio pregnancy center Ashland Pregnancy Care Center refused to let the pandemic prevent them from supplying their clients with essential supplies. The center distributed 100 “blessing bags” to clients in desperate need while following social distancing guidelines. In April, Live Action hosted a webcast including several pregnancy centers across America that highlighted the needs of centers in providing for their clients during a pandemic. “Our purpose is to provide hope for women,” said Allison Millet of Woman’s New Life Clinic in Louisiana, one of the centers included on the webcast. “[…] It’s about saving women’s lives and making sure that she is heard. It’s not about us pushing our agenda on her. It’s about listening to what her needs are and helping her any way we can.”

For more information on how to maintain social distance while supporting parents and families during the pandemic, check out this article by Live Action News.

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