This week, celebrity couple John Legend and Chrissy Teigen announced the heartbreaking loss of their son late in pregnancy, whom they had named Jack. Well-wishes poured out from celebrities and fans alike. But most strikingly, among those who responded was Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion chain.
On Twitter, Planned Parenthood sent a message to Legend and Teigen, applauding them for sharing their story and giving their condolences on the loss of their son, writing, “We’re so sorry to hear that Chrissy Teigen and John Legend lost their son, and we admire them for sharing their story.” Many on social media responded by noting that Planned Parenthood had used the term “son” to describe Teigen and Legend’s child – a humanizing term that the abortion provider is not known to use.
We're so sorry to hear that Chrissy Teigen and John Legend lost their son, and we admire them for sharing their story. ❤️
— Planned Parenthood (@PPFA) October 1, 2020
That Planned Parenthood acknowledged Jack’s humanity is hypocritical, considering they spend most of their time denying that preborn children are human beings, then snuffing out their lives for money, and sometimes even selling their body parts — including children who are in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, likely around the same gestational age as Jack.
Live Action founder and president Lila Rose pointed out this hypocrisy on Twitter:
You routinely rip babies Jack’s age out of their mother’s wombs, after lying to their mother and claiming their son or daughter wasn’t a baby, he or she was just “pregnancy tissue.”
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) October 1, 2020
One of Live Action’s undercover investigations found Planned Parenthood’s staffers consistently lying to women about fetal development. A staffer in Wisconsin told a woman that a preborn child at 10 weeks does not have a heartbeat, but merely has “heart tones,” insisting that “[h]eartbeat is when the fetus is active in the uterus – can survive – which is about 17 or 18 weeks.” The heartbeat begins at approximately three weeks after fertilization.
Another woman at a different facility was told her preborn child in the first trimester had “no arms, no legs, no heart, no head, no brain,” and was not a person, but was just “fetal matter.”
The abortion industry frequently uses dehumanizing language to describe preborn children instead of telling women the truth or acknowledging the human lives they are taking. Instead, they use phrases like “products of conception,” “blobs of tissue,” “clumps of cells,” and “heart tones.” Yet, as Planned Parenthood’s tweet shows, that mindset immediately changes if the lost life was a wanted one. Suddenly, it’s not a “product of conception” anymore, but a “son.”
Our humanity is based on what we intrinsically are, and our DNA – not on whether or not we are “wanted.” Every preborn child is someone’s son or daughter, whether or not his or her parents (or abortion businesses) choose to acknowledge it.
Planned Parenthood has long denied that it commits late-term abortions, with the abortion industry even going so far as to describe the very phrase of “late-term abortion” as inaccurate. But Planned Parenthood does commit late-term abortions. Undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress showed Planned Parenthood executives admitting to intentionally increasing the number of late-term abortions they commit. There are numerous Planned Parenthood facilities which commit late-term abortions in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
Other abortionists in the U.S. commit abortions on a case-by-case basis after 32 weeks of pregnancy.
There is no scientific doubt about the humanity of preborn children. Despite the word games Planned Parenthood tries to play, their humanity is not dependent upon whether or not they are wanted.
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