The American Life League has released a 2020 report that purports to show Planned Parenthood has been misspending the $618 million of federal funding it receives annually from taxpayers. In addition to highlighting the lucrative salaries of the organization’s abortion executives, the report noted that Planned Parenthood reportedly pays its Black CEOs less than its other executives.
“This is the fifth year that we have reported on the compensation received by the chief executive officers of the affiliates of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America,” the first half of the report’s executive summary reads.
“As the summary graph illustrates, from 2011 to 2020 the annual average compensation received by the CEOs has risen from $159,000 to $300,000,” the report continued. “Each year we are struck by the tremendous amount of cash one can earn in the United States by directing the local operations of an organization that admits it runs the largest abortion chain in the nation and demands that every affiliate MUST have at least one facility that terminates the lives of preborn human beings.”
According to the report, with an average income of $300,091, the average Planned Parenthood CEO is among the 98th percentile of all workers in the United States. All Planned Parenthood affiliates receive taxpayer money to help pay those CEOs.
The report noted that one of Planned Parenthood’s Black CEOs, Kersha Deibel of the Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region, had the lowest compensation of any Planned Parenthood CEO in the nation. This seems to conflict with the fact that Deibel’s affiliate has an annual income higher than 16 other Planned Parenthood affiliates.
READ: Seattle Planned Parenthood affiliate fires CEO on accusations of racism
This is not the first time that Planned Parenthood has faced accusations of racism. As Live Action News has previously reported, in addition to its founder’s support for eugenics, Planned Parenthood’s present-day employees have alleged the organization has issues with “white supremacy.” Pay inequity between white and minority employees, unjust firings, and endangering minority patients are just some of the accusations staffers have leveled at Planned Parenthood.
Despite Planned Parenthood’s claims that it needs taxpayer funding, the report also noted that, when combined, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates make a $1.6 billion business in the United States. In addition, Planned Parenthood reported a total profit of $425 million over the last three years, even though it paid almost $16 million to multiple CEOs and $6 million to top headquarters employees.
While the federal government recognizes the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliate as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the report highlighted how neither pay taxes, despite the millions of dollars of income in excess of expenses each year.
“Yet, Planned Parenthood is not happy with the $618 million in taxpayer money it receives and is demanding a significant increase in government funding from the Biden administration. Clearly, it is time Congress removed Planned Parenthood’s ‘charitable organization’ status and ended the forcing of all American citizens to fund this organization,” the authors of the report wrote.
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