
GOP 2012 hopefuls unite: “defund Planned Parenthood!”

The politicians and public figures currently considering a run against pro-abortion President Barack Obama disagree with each other on some things, but on one issue, they are united: they are in favor of defunding Planned Parenthood.

This week, the Susan B. Anthony List contacted Republican presidential hopefuls to ask them where they stand on defunding Planned Parenthood.

Several hopefuls, including Rep. Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, and Sen. Rick Santorum, had already publicly spoken out in support of defunding America’s largest abortion provider, whhhich receives a third of its income from taxpayers’ pockets.

Gov. Haley Barbour, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Gov. Sarah Palin, and  Gov. Tim Pawlenty also provided statements to the SBA List.

Gov. Mitt Romney told National Review through a spokesperson that he supports the Pence Amendment. It should also be noted that Rep. Ron Paul voted in support of the Pence Amendment and is a co-sponsor of the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act.

Donald Trump, who is rumored to be considering a run as well, told Bill O’Reilly on The Factor last week that he was pro-life, but was not asked about his views on defunding Planned Parenthood.

Obama, who just announced his reelection campaign, is a well-known supporter of Planned Parenthood (they endorsed him in 2008). The year before he promised them, “On this fundamental issue [abortion], I will not yield and Planned Parenthood will not yield.” And when asked about LiveAction’s efforts to expose Planned Parenthood, he suggested the reports were “manufactured.”

[Cross-posted at CatholicVote.org here]

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