
Great moments in eugenics history II

Remember Margaret Sanger, the racist, elitist eugenicist who palled around with Nazi sympathizers and founded Planned Parenthood? President Obama and pro-abortion Senate Democrats would rather send the government into shutdown today than stop funding her organization. Weasel Zippers blog thinks today is as good as any to remind ourselves and our communities what kind of woman Sanger was:

From the blog:

I have read this woman’s views before, mostly on abortion and “undesirables,” but this interview really does show the arrogant spite the founder of Planned Parenthood has for life, struggle, and morality. Actually hearing her speak with her cold self-righteous snippiness deepens the chill. I can almost imagine her sitting on a death panel.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. SBA List did their best this week to get the word out with a brilliant full-page ad.

Investigative journalist Randy Engel of U.S. Coalition for Life also did her part to draw attention to the Planned Parenthood-eugenics link last week, circulating this disturbing memo from Planned Parenthood VP Frederick S. Jaffe to Population Council President Bernard Berelson in the 1960s. Engel writes:

The Jaffe/Berelson Memo was drawn up by Jaffe as a companion piece to Berelson’s paper, “Beyond Family Planning,” published in the Population Council’s February 1969 issue of Studies in Family Planning .

According to Berelson, federal family planning programs are “the first step to population control.” Why? Berelson answers, “Probably because from a broad political standpoint it is the most acceptable one: since closely tied to maternal and child care it can be perceived as a health measure beyond dispute; and since voluntary it can be justified as a contribution to the effective personal freedom of individual couples.”

Is Berelson saying that Congress was duped into supporting Title X birth limitation programs in 1970 under the guise of maternal health care and volunteerism, when in fact, Congress was taking its first step toward population control, which unlike “family planning” includes a wide range of compulsory means of population reduction including compulsory abortion and sterilization and social constraints such as “encouraging increased homosexuality?”

If federal “family planning” programs are indeed stepping stones to totalitarian population control by the State, then it is time, indeed, that Uncle Sam got himself out of the birth limitation business. Cutting Planned Parenthood funding is an excellent first step toward this goal.

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