Abortion Pill

Leslie’s abortion pill experience was ‘terrifying, isolating, and painful’

abortion pill, I saw my baby

In the latest video release from Live Action’s “I Saw My Baby” campaign, Leslie describes the pain she experienced after taking the abortion pill and delivering her dead child.

“My experience was incredibly scary and nothing like a normal period,” she says. “The pain I felt was much more similar to labor contractions than normal cramps.”

She remembers sitting on the toilet and bleeding, while also vomiting and shaking all over.

“I got in the shower to wash away the blood, and suddenly I passed a large mass that clogged the drain. Even though it looked like a blood clot, I realized immediately that it must be the baby.”


Leslie says that she didn’t know what else to do, so she scooped up the child’s remains and flushed them down the toilet, sobbing. In the video, she then addresses those who try to downplay the severity of what the abortion pill really does.

“Chemical abortion is an abortion, and it is an incredibly terrifying, isolating, and painful experience,” she says. “It should not be downplayed as similar to a heavy period or an early miscarriage. I’ve had both. The chemical abortion was a violent, unnatural pain. Abortion clinics are sending women back to their own homes to partake in the death of their own child.”

Chemical abortion, which utilizes the abortion pill, is a two-step process involving the drugs mifepristone, which starves the baby, and misoprostol, which causes the mother to expel the child. The entire process is explained by former abortionist Dr. Noreen Johnson in the following video:


As Dr. Johnson explains, the abortion pill procedure also comes with many risks to the mother, including severe cramping and abdominal pain, contractions, heavy bleeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and headaches. One study has found that the abortion pill is four times more dangerous for women than surgical abortion.

Sadly, Leslie’s experience is far from unique. Many women report being traumatized after taking the abortion pill and delivering their dead child at home. “This was a formed, recognizable, undeniable baby,” recounted one woman.

“Nightmares started shortly after. I stopped eating. I became anorexic. I was later diagnosed with acute posttraumatic stress disorder,” said another.

Did you know that as little as $10 a month is enough to reach more than 3,000 people with the truth about abortion that no one else is telling them? Click here to start saving lives 365 days a year.

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